I HAVE A PROBLEM [Unable to export]
Unable to export
What does this mean ...?
It seems to indicate that a CSV file with the same name already exists and is open. Maybe in Excel? Is that the case? If so, close the file and try again?
You have blanked out the most important part of the error-dialog [the file-path] here are the two likely guesses.
a). The specified file-path to the CSV file is actually open [perhaps in Excel?].
That IS the main cause that a file can't be written.
If so close it and try writing it again from the SKP.b). The CSV file can't be written because you are on PC and you have 'accented-characters' in the file-path, or the CSV file's name.
It is a known limitation of the Ruby which is shipped with SketchUp <=v2013 that only 'ASCII' characters can be used in file-paths.
Using any 'accented-characters' will break most of this Ruby version's file-processes methods !
If this is the case rename the file with a less exotic title, or specify a file-path that does not include 'accented-characters' in any folder-names.
Your SCF-name is 'IAho / Ilkka' [Finnish] but if your PC Users account user-name has accents [e.g. IÄho] then it will cause continuing problems, and you won't be able to use your Desktop, Documents folder etc with any Ruby plugins that write files...
You must either rename your user account without accented-characters, or chose another file-path...
If your SKP model name has accented-characters in it, it's easy to fix - just by renaming that SKP without them...
Names like 'Käyttää.skp' are a definite problem and should be avoided
Do NOT use Finnish letters like: Š, š, Ž, ž, Å, å, Ä, ä, Ö, ö
Or any other accented-characters borrowed from other languages [Swedish/Icelandic/French/German/Polish/etc] -
It is working again.
In the name was the letter Ä.
I saved under a new name and everything is OK