Re; Animation output - DOES NOT create AVI file when it's a
Do you need Twilight running?
Hi all,
Quick and easy question, what experiences have you had with AVI file sizes and what's the biggest you've been able to create.
Also, have you ever had the slide creation process occur without issue, only to find that at the end of it, you are not provided with an AVI file OR error messages?
I disabled it, restarted sketchup, same result
I've also now restarted the PC and still the same thing occurs.
With Windows file system Fat32, the maximum file size for a single file is 4GB and your pictures show that you crossed this border...
Answer in your new topic
Quite right, I'm using NTFS though, and have had other single file types with sizes exceeding 20GB and over.
Response to your answer in that new topic
Hi bikerchris
Checkout Magix Moviemaker pro
(my choice)
I have tried them all even the hi-price stuff too.
Here is a link and demos to try too.
IMO very easy to use and good value
Cheers for that dtrarch, I think the problem is a limitation with sketchup, but I just want some confirmation that others have had similar problems, and then I can rest!
I know this is a year old, but I'm having the same experience. And it's truly error message...nothing. Just no file to be found.
What I don't get is how Windows Movie Maker comes into play. To me, I ask Sketchup to generate a file.
This means it goes and gets Movie Maker to do it's work?
Why is sketchup so lame- even Pro- it seems year after year the capabilities do not increase.
It's hard to believe that I cannot get sketchup to make anything over 1GB video file out of the box. I've got to go back to my team and tell them I cannot do this.So I need to go and spend more money on a video making program? And then what happens, sketchup automatically looks for that to make the video? there are no options under "export video" to select the video engine.
Maddening. -
Plus, what I don't get is that Bikerchris has a file that's 201Mb. (see his "progress dialog box" screenshot) Not 2GB!
You can't even get a 200 MB file generated from SU??? That is FAR from a large file when you're talking about video. -
so annoying,, that at least a error message doesnt come up at least. win7 64 4gig ram. so 4gigs is the max for the vid size i take it? guess only fix is, to make multiple sketchup file copys and then doing it in parts, and then put vids together in some movie making program.
Something I started doing was using MP4's, as the file size is much smaller - the sacrifice being the quality sometimes, but it's good enough for my needs.
What you mentioned is what I did though, just stitch them together in some movie editing software. Hey ho!