Create Face to PushPull along a curve
I have a project (furniture) that uses some curves and I need to pushpull along the curve and it took me a long time with many steps to draw a face Normal to a line extended from the curve. The curve is not a radius but curve drawn with belzerspline plugin.
I thought at one time I had seen a plugin to create such a face but I could not find it when I needed it.
Or is it simpler with the native tools if you follow a known procedure?
Try last and before last icon of Didier Bur Projection's Plugins
But without an example image maybe Joint Push Pull interactive by Fredo6 is more suitable ?
The French Ruby brothers!
another interpretation of the original post is you are asking about Follow Me and Keep.
Here is an image of what I need. A face normal to the end of the curve on which I can draw a detail to pushpull along the curve.
[img][/img] -
If I am understanding correctly you are having trouble drawing a face perpendicular to the end of the curve, on which you can then draw a profile for use with follow me. If that is the case try Chris Fullmer's Perpendicular Face tool. -
So your main concern is to get the face on the end of the curve and have it normal to the end segment? Chris Fullmer's Perpendicular Face Tools would work. I often just construct them manually which isn't difficult.
If you see my example above that is exactly the result you want but with another method!