Continious animation help.
I think you the delay set wrong. You can definitely do constant rotations...
I did this not too long ago
And one trick to remember, there is usually one frame too many at the scene transitions, so check the animation and drop any doubles.
This animation is two scenes with one frame removed.
Has anyone got a sample file to share of a Key-frame animation of loop-able continuous rotation?
Scratch that, The issue is not my animation, as I just tweened it and it was smooth but rendering it causes the problem.
Rich, there's no rotation to be seen.
Maybe it doesn't export? Rotating here for me
It does export, but you need to have keyframe installed for it to work. Without that it is just a cube, albeit one modeled with a unique finesse and delicate skill.
@box said:
It does export, but you need to have keyframe installed for it to work. Without that it is just a cube, albeit one modeled with a unique finesse and delicate skill.
Guys, it's seems there is an ease in and ease out within the animation, something that is not seen in Sketchup but when rendering it appears, see low quality gif below. I have Tomasz from Thea looking into it.
Straight animation render from above skp.
I would use the free animation plugin (ProperAnimation) but it screws up axis and the rotation becomes a joke.
Can you tell more on what you need animated?
@rich o brien said:
Can you tell more on what you need animated?
Sure, I will send a PM, as I have an NDA.
Have been hunting for this - so hard to animate wheels on a vehicle and render it. Simfonia animation does this loopable rotation but doesn't play nice with renderers.
Have we had any progress in this sphere since this thread began? I'm in need of loopable animation now.