[Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
The length of the arc is longer than the length of the original text and the original line so of course the text would get stretched. Make the straight line the same length as the text and the arc the length of the straight line and it works better. The letters will still get a bit distorted but that's to be expected. You might even make the arc a little shorter than the straight line in the case of your text.
Thanks for the tip. It worked better that way.
Seems we can not use custom axes for the "red axis"
is there any update or solutions for this little bug?
That's not a bug.
Thank you so much. Simple but yet, great ruby
Hi Chris,
plugin don't work with FREDO's AdditionalPluginFolders.
Is it possible to make it work with it?THX
Dancho -
Like I told you in another recent post...
The code needs adjusting around lines #158-160 of the main code fileclf_shape_bender/clf_shape_bender.rb
Use Notepad plain text editor...
Change the lines:
line_cursor_path = Sketchup.find_support_file("line_pointer.png", "Plugins/clf_shape_bender") curve_cursor_path = Sketchup.find_support_file("curve_pointer.png", "Plugins/clf_shape_bender") default_cursor_path = Sketchup.find_support_file("default_pointer.png", "Plugins/clf_shape_bender")
to read:
line_cursor_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "clf_shape_bender", "line_pointer.png") curve_cursor_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "clf_shape_bender", "curve_pointer.png") default_cursor_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "clf_shape_bender", "default_pointer.png")
Save the file and restart SketchUp...
This approach will then work with any folder location. which is auto-loading a plugin like this, and which is looking for helper files in a subfolder within its folder... -
Cool, thanks TIG.
Is very cool!!!Thank you!!!
Hi Guys!
I'm new in Sketchup and I just downloaded the shape bender tool for the curved car ramp that I'm making, and I can't seem to make it work.
My reference would be:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGHTIOMm_34I followed the video step by step.
- Click "grouped" shape.
- Click "straight" line.
- Click "arched" line.
I have problems with step 3.
I can't seem to click THAT separate straight line I made after I clicked on the shape bender tool icon.Is this a download error?
Thanks a lot!!
The straight line must follow the red axis, not be part of a group or attached to anything.
Yeah, I've been doing that. I still can't click on that straight line on the red axis
Upload the SKP file so we can see what you've got going on.
It's three lines, it needs to be one line. Redraw it as one, and draw it along the length of your shape.
The length and position of all parts effect how it works. -
Alright, I just did that. Still can't click the straight line. I'm so sorry for this
It's behind the shape now, draw it at the front, or move it to the front. Also you have two shapes, one on top of the other.
I have this plugin installed at work and it runs great. Very impressive. I installed in on my home computer and it doesn't seem to be working quite right.
I have progressbar.rb installed (I originally forgot, got the error then installed it). The plugin actually bends shapes but it pushes them away from the selected curve by what seems to be the distance between the straight line and the original object. I don't have sketchy-physics or Compspray installed which seem to be the plugins that conflict and have caused problems for this plugin.
In the first screenshot, you will note the blue preview mesh both on the curve and the original object. You can see on the original object that it is attached to the line I selected and the blue mesh runs from the curved line to the preview mesh in green.
It is my understanding that the tool is supposed to bend exactly on the selected curve, not push the curve back by the distance between the straight line and the object on the green axis. I measured after letting the tool complete and the curved line is exactly as far away from the final curved object as the straight line is from my starting object.
The 2nd screenshot shows the finished product after the plugin runs. I see no errors when running in the ruby console. I am fairly sure this is not happening on my work PC and it doesn't seem to happen in the videos in the original post.
I should note that my object is a simple 15/2'/1' box done w/ rectangle and push/pull then made into a group. Line was drawn left to right attaching to guides seen in the screenshots. Curve used the built-in arc tool also attaching to the guides and bulging an arbitrary distance.
What am I doing wrong or missing?
Thank you! Thanks for such a fantastic plugin!