Access to computer file system?
In the process of installing the sketchucation tools a statement was displayed
indicating in part "The extension will have the ability to access the file system
on your computer". The tools will not install unless you except this requirement.
I would like to have access to the plugins, but concerned with the possible access to
my computer files. Would someone please supply my with your thoughts on the subject.Thank you for your help, Bob
Install any .rbz file and you see that message.
It's a default popup for SketchUp. It basically means...
'Hey your about to put a file in your plugins folder. It's gonna add extra functions to SketchUp.'
There's 0% harm in doing this. As long as u grab the .rbz from known distributors of such files.
As Rich says - provided the RBZ comes from a 'reliable' source [like SketchUcation, Smustard, Trimble etc] then you should be able to trust its 'integrity' and install it without worrying one iota.
All installed plugins RB/RBS files will have the ability to access files and folders on your computer, and even add/change/delete data - but that's just how plugins work !
SketchUp is covering its back with this message, which effective says, "Because you are adding this Plugin using our installer, please be aware that it will have the potential to do things to your computer..." - so it's then your informed choice... not theirs.
So unless your RBZ is from a 'suspect source' don't worry about it.
Downloading plugins from an Aryan-Race or Muslim-Brotherhood web-site is not recommended...
Just be sensible in what you do...Indeed, I could write a simple .RBS plugin in a few minutes, that you could download and install manually [and therefore without the RBZ installer warnings], which will then do some legitimate task day-in day-out, but which also acts like a Trojan - deleting all of your plugin-files [and itself] [or even worse!] every Friday 13th! BUT of course I don't, and neither will any of the dedicated group of plugin-authors, who give much of there work to you freely or at least inexpensively...
We must trust in people's overwhelmingly good nature and honesty in such situations - we can't be paranoid [even when 'they' are out to get us] - it is the way to a world I don't want to be part of...