[Plugin] CleanUp
@omarsun said:
Warning! Theme 'window.html' could not be loaded. File not found.
Error: #<RuntimeError: Could not load TT::Window theme: window.html>
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/window.rb:525:inget_theme_path' C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/window.rb:538:in
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/window.rb:473:inshow_window' C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/toolwindow.rb:25:in
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/modal_wrapper.rb:38:inactivate' C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/modal_wrapper.rb:110:in
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/modal_wrapper.rb:110:inshow' C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/inputbox.rb:290:in
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/tt_cleanup/core.rb:408:in `show_cleanup_ui'
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/tt_cleanup/core.rb:226That's strange. I'll look into it. Thanks for the full error message.
@omarsun said:
and erase me the VrayDomeLight in the escene.
I'm sorry, but what's with the VrayDomeLight?
Oh - it's erasing the dome light in the model - because the dome light is just edges, right? -
@omarsun said:
Warning! Theme 'window.html' could not be loaded. File not found.
Error: #<RuntimeError: Could not load TT::Window theme: window.html>
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/window.rb:525:in `get_theme_path'Can you verify this file exists: "C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/webdialog/window.html" ?
Did you get any error messages when you installed TT_Lib?
@thomthom said:
Can you verify this file exists: "C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/TT_Lib2/webdialog/window.html" ?
Did you get any error messages when you installed TT_Lib?
No error messages when instaling TTlib from extensión warehouse
and i not found "webdialog" folderplease, sorry my english
I reinstall TT_lib 2.8.3 with Sketchucation Plugin Store, and Cleanup 3.2.0 work fine now]Tanks.
I am using your plugin for a long time now and i realy love it. thank u!
but now i have updated to 2013 pro and there i cant find a plugin section in the topmenue. where can i now find the button for your plugin?thank u
Markus -
Nothing has changed - so I'm not sure what it might be. How did you install it in SU2013? Did you copy it or did you install from the Extension Warehouse or SketchUcation's Plugin store?
Did you also ensure to install TT_Lib2?
I positioned the cleanup plugin in the plugins folder, but can not see the plug on my view port .not in tools or plugins:(
can you help me to install it properly ?
thanks:) -
Did you also installed the TTlib2 as clearly stated under "requirements" in the very first post of the thread?
@massimo said:
Did you also installed the TTlib2 as clearly stated under "requirements" in the very first post of the thread?
hi MAssimo!:)
i tried to install'but the problem is,i cant see on my view port in system preferences-- extensions the install preferences tab
is there another way to install the " tt installer?
thanks again -
@ruslan007 said:
i tried to install'but the problem is,i cant see on my view port in system preferences-- extensions the install preferences tab
Then you need to upgrade at least to the latest version of SU8.
@ruslan007 said:
is there another way to install the " tt installer?
You can rename a .rbz file into .zip then extract it an put the content of the folder in your plugins folder, or you can use the great Sketchucation tools.
Definitely upgrade your SketchUp version.
While this is a most well-worked plugin, I have a suggestion towards improving it's usability.
A lot of times I use an autocad file for reference on a hidden layer to be switched on or off as per need. The plugin treats the dwg lines as lonely edges and erases them. A lot of times I realize that only after a long while when I switch on the layer for reference and find the dwg lines erased. To import and align the dwg again is doable but a bit of bother.
The work around I use is to copy the dwg (usually as a group) before clean up operation and paste in place afterwards.I was wondering if the plugin can be made to ignore locked objects as an option. This way, if need be, one could retain 'unclean' elements in the model simply by locking them and then running cleanup while choosing 'ignore locked objects'.
Alternately it could be made to ignore hidden layers or something like that.I don't know much about ruby and so don't know if something like that is possible, but I'm sure it would be a useful improvement.
flyashy -
Yea, I have it on the To Do list to make this plugin respect locked groups/components. I've done the same thing as you when working with imported DWG drawings.
Downloaded, selected an imported 3d and ran the tool to merge faces.
Instantly the majority of triangulated faces became proper faces.
I had to blink a few times before I relised what had happened!Saved me an hour of clicking...
For some reason 1 part of the model did not cleanup - otherwise perfect.
Thank-you for your hard work!GPG
If some edges doesn't erase then it would be either because the connected faces isn't 100% coplanar, or the edge has more than two faces connected.
My deepest respect! Thx a Billion!
Thsi plugin looks interesting, but is there a method to stop processing if it takes too long?
Afraid not.
If you think the clean up is going to take too long you might limit what gets cleaned to one or two list items at a time. Or run the plugin more often or maybe this would be an incentive to learn to model more cleanly from the beginning.
This plugin has become a part of my life!)
I want to make the button "repair edges" in the toolbar.
Please tell, how to type a command to run it in the ruby console?