Tips for layer by material in components
Hello Everyone!
I want to make sure that I am doing this right.
I have a window assembly component with metal and army green glass. Each of the layers inside the component is on that layer. I put the component on layer 0.
Is that how this is done?
mac Vray 1.6
Mac Sketchup 2013
10.8.4 MacBook Pro July 2012 Graphics cad activated
William Huchting
I suppose it depends on your workflow. I personally would leave all my geometry on Layer 0 and once the component is created (window for example) but this component on a separate layer (Window Layer). That way I know to always model on Layer 0 and it keeps things organized for me.
What if a component has two materials in it? That's where is seems to get a bit tricky unless the component is placed a layer NOT associated with a material. Advice? Thanks!!!
I just want to make sure that nested components are not causing crashes...
Well I don't usually setup my material by layer. Take a window for example. I would usually just have all the geometry (on layer 0) as one 'Window' component on a window layer. But if I were to want separate window pieces I would have a subcomponent for each item, eg 'Window Pane', 'Sash', 'Operator'. The geometry would all still be on layer 0 but each component would be on its own layer (eg Sash layer).
Hope that it is clear. Keep in mind this is only my method and possibly not the -best- method. But I don't generally worry about grouping everything with the same material onto one layer for example.
i like rspierenburg's technique, i do it similarly