Globally select all groups in model?
yes, the identical doors and windows etc are actually copies of each other. Entity info does saythat there are copies of that group.
Your selection toys, allows the doors and windows etc to be converted to comps' one by one, but not globally all at the same time(what i need)
. Oh & its kinda imperative that the code can globally locate them all too, so i don't have to do that manually.
@fullyfledgeded said:
Oh & its kinda imperative that the code can globally locate them all too, so i don't have to do that manually.
"Globally locate"?
TT posted his ahead of me, perhaps it is better...
So to put this another way...
You want to find all groups in the active_entities collection that are duplicate copies.
Then to make the first one into a component-instance, and then to replace all of the other copies with instances of that new component...
Try this one-liner in the Ruby Console...m=Sketchup.active_model;m.start_operation('g2c');m.active_entities.grep(Sketchup;;Group).each{|g|next unless g.valid?;s=g.entities.parent.instances; next unless s[1]; n=s[0].name;d=s[0].to_component.definition; if n!='';s[1..-1].each{|e|i=e.to_component;b=i.definition;i.definition=d;b.entities.clear!;};};m.commit_operation;
It's one step undoable.
It processes duplicated groups in the active_entities.
It names the new component after the group, but if that's '', then it is called 'Group#123' etc... -
TIG, your code works perfectly, provided groups that are duplicate copies to be found, are in the active selection set. I have attachedTIG code test.skp in case this doesn't make sense.
In the outliner, Please select the contents of "test 1: in active selection set" & run your code. Then repeat for "test 2: not in active selection set".
I need the script to find them all for me, as there are hundreds nested deep within the outliner, which i hope explains why I said "globally locate".
thomthom's code achieves this, but makes each duplicate group copy a unique component , so a synergy of your 2 codes would be perfect, but this is probably asking a lot.
thomthom, i installed your mashup with your quick install plugin, but i cant find it? I've searched "g2c" in the launchup plugin too.
Under the Plugins menu. "Convert Groups to Components"
cheers thomthom, i confused it with
worked perfectly, my only concern is that I undid it, to check the stats via model info & it bugsplatted. So I have saved a new copy to be safe.
I put enough in your cookie jar for two beers in the uk, so you can atleast afford one in Norway.. damm expensive
BugSplat? o_O Can you reproduce it? Got a test model?
run your sript > edit - undo = splat
Huh! I see the crash too. This is not good.
any thing to worry about with regards to how it will affect my model?
Any crash is potential for data loss if you haven't saved...
hm... when I use Selection Toys' Group Copies to Component on a single set it can be undone with no bugsplat. I wonder why this is different...
I see. Another problem is that, it does not seem to be reducing my file size much at all. If you run your script on the same file you will see size stays the same.
Well, yes - because you're not reducing the number of component definitions. Groups in SketchUp are like ComponentInstances - they have ComponentDefinitions. When you see a Group that has copies in Entity Info it means they all share the same definition.
The only difference is that SketchUp makes groups unique when you modify them.
yes that makes logical sense. Someone once told me that comps' only take up the size of the definition & all instances don't add to count towards memory, where as group instances do.
Well, that is true under the assumption that all group instances are unique. But SketchUp makes some internal optimizations and make copies share the same definition until you edit one of them. Or to be more specific, you don't even need to make changes, just open the group and close it. Then you'll have a new definition - which takes up more space.
Ah yes that's what i thought it should do, but I told myself otherwise by mishearing something. I Learn't from youtube, I guess once you grasp ruby, you'd have a more in-depth insight into SU.
It does give some more insight to some of the technical aspects of SketchUp - why things behave the way they do.