How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb?
I'd say that is spot on!
12, posts reminding people to update their profile to say whether they are Edison Screw or Bayonet Cap users, and whether they run a 110V or 220V system, so that we can give them the right advice.
25, flame war over whether Swann or Edison was the true inventor of the lightbulb!
6, level-headed users making a plea for everyone to calm down a bit, the important thing is that light comes out, not which fitting you use.
+8, "rose tinted" posts about how things were so much better in the 'gas lamp' days.
+5, bitchin' that we really shouldn't need to be 'plugging in' lightbulbs, illumination should be part of the core system, so changing bulbs should be the electricity company's responsibility.
+1, user who long departed the upgrade bandwagon requesting the file in "candle" format!
Because they haven't read the instructions, they expect someone else to of it for them and if they do install it then it'll be in the wrong socket... -
you forgot:
1000 to look at the light bulb, take notes, get inspired and make no comment whatsoever.
Love 'em.
+1 to make a poll with eight options on what the best bulb is.
+23 to complain the poll didn't include enough options -
+1,,,,,, to complain about an βincomplete quoteβ-complain about a βcomplain of one grumpy
user about not reading TFM about the
before posting, %(#0000FF)[thereby leaving out important
thread stuff], thereby misinform other
users that may be equally pissed off about the speedy release of a new
I give this 4 light bulb idea
...and goodness knows how many more to argue if it should really be called a "lamp" or "light-globe"
Then you will get those that will turn it into a Mac vs PC debate
iLight is off course much more simple to use - and safer.
+1 to be inspired to model and render a light bulb, and post it in the gallery.
+1 to comment it would make a great "render this" challenge. -
+God knows how many to say, when God said "let there be light" he only meant it for his people, therefore if you aren't one of us you can't have lightbulbs and we'll fight you for it because we are the chosen ones and God said it and it is in the bible so it must be true......
What you posted insults me. It's against my believes, my religion.
It also violates the rules of this forum, or any other forum.
I'll report it to moderators. Right now.