Creation of folder from Ruby on Mac
As there are many security issues when creating folders in the SU Plugin directory, I am interested to know, from any gentle Mac users, whether this restriction is
- either general to the Mac: i.e. you cannot create any folder from Ruby script anywhere on the Mac
- or specific from the Application area on Mac
Also, if a Mac user could tell me what is the ENV variable.
Thanks very much
@fredo6 said:
Also, if a Mac user could tell me what is the ENV variable.
The variable for what?
You could have a Mac user print out all the vars:
ENV.each {|k,v| puts("#{k} = '#{v}'") }
Yes, I meant the ENV key / values
By the way it would be good this is documented in the API docs
@fredo6 said:
By the way it would be good this is documented in the API docs
It does not belong there as it is standard Ruby.
Let's just get the API docs up to date with true API edits first, then worry about extras.
(Sending you a PM.)
If you want to create a folder that you know you can write into without security problems then use the User's Temp folder.
It has a different Key between PC and MAC.
But it's relatively easy to find that.IS_MAC=(RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase =~ /darwin/) != nil ### home=File.expand_path(ENV["HOME"] || ENV["HOMEPATH"] || ENV["HOMEDRIVE"]) desktop=File.join(home, "Desktop") ### [ ENV['TEMP'], ENV['TMP'], ENV['TMPDIR'], ### SHOULD be found by here, but in case have some fall backs ! ENV['USERPROFILE'], 'C;/Temp', '/tmp', home, desktop, Dir.pwd ].each{|d| if d && && File.writable?(d) temp= File.expand_path(d) break end } ### tempdir = File.join(temp, 'Fredo6') begin ### this allows for false File.exist? failure with non-ASCII Dir.mkdir(tempdir) rescue ### end
You now have a reference 'tempdir' - your own subfolder within the user's temp folder.
On PC:
This temporary folder will get emptied by some system clean ups.
If you want a 'permanent' subfolder put in higher up in the user's temp folder tree:### permdir = File.join(File.dirname(temp), 'Fredo6') begin ### this allows for false File.exist? failure with non-ASCII Dir.mkdir(permdir) rescue ### end
You now have a reference 'permdir' - your own subfolder within the user's temp folder's container.
On PC:
If you want to find the default folder used by Sketchup to install Plugins from RBZ archives, then
plugins = Sketchup.find_support_file('plugins')
will return the full path on PC and MAC.
To see if it's writable by the current user then use:
Which returns true or false.
To get its current mode use:
e.g. 654= 777 would be good!
File.chmod(0777, plugins)
will try to reset the permissions IF the current user has sufficient security privileges... -
@tig said:
If you want to create a folder that you know you can write into without security problems then use the User's Temp folder.
i don't know if this has anything to do with the topic but just in case..
2013 places the plugin folder in the user directory.plugins on mac are now at:
(user) ~/ Library/ Application Support/ SketchUp 2013/ SketchUp/ Plugins
in the Ruby Console now return the User's plugins folder ?
It used to return the HD one... -
@tig said:
in the Ruby Console now return the User's plugins folder ?
It used to return the HD one...entering that into 2013 ruby console:
> Sketchup.find_support_file('plugins')
/Users/jeff/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp/plugins -
So in v2013 it looks at the writable user's plugins folder, in v8 it used to look at the HD version, which is where it WAS recommended to install plugins BUT you could have limited access rights and that caused issued.
On a PC we are stuck with the main Plugins folder, which often needs its permissions fixing to allow it to be 'managed' by a user... -
TIG, Dan, Jeff,
However what I want to be sure of is more precise.Even if a folder is writable 'manually', it may not be possible to create a folder "from a script". This is what I am looking for.
@dan rathbun said:
You could have a Mac user print out all the vars:
:idea:By default [on my mac] installs into /Applications, form there...
ENV.each {|k,v| puts("#{k} = '#{v}'") }
returnsPATH = '/usr/bin;/bin;/usr/sbin;/sbin' TMPDIR = '/var/folders/rp/b9k42l5x7xngx_8tckgs0zdr0000gn/T/' SHELL = '/bin/bash' HOME = '/Users/johns_iMac' USER = 'johns_iMac' LOGNAME = 'johns_iMac' SSH_AUTH_SOCK = '/tmp/launch-wN3bJR/Listeners' Apple_Ubiquity_Message = '/tmp/launch-blGWcE/Apple_Ubiquity_Message' Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render = '/tmp/launch-a6GyAw/Render' DISPLAY = '/tmp/launch-mAuKFs/org.macosforge.xquartz;0' IG_ROOT = '/Applications/SketchUp 2013/' SHLVL = '4' PWD = '/' _ = '/usr/bin/open' __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING = '0x1F5;0;0' COMMAND_MODE = 'unix2003'
On other setups can also be installed into ~/Applications, so I moved it to see the differences and form there...
PATH = '/usr/bin;/bin;/usr/sbin;/sbin' TMPDIR = '/var/folders/rp/b9k42l5x7xngx_8tckgs0zdr0000gn/T/' SHELL = '/bin/bash' HOME = '/Users/johns_iMac' USER = 'johns_iMac' LOGNAME = 'johns_iMac' SSH_AUTH_SOCK = '/tmp/launch-wN3bJR/Listeners' Apple_Ubiquity_Message = '/tmp/launch-blGWcE/Apple_Ubiquity_Message' Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render = '/tmp/launch-a6GyAw/Render' DISPLAY = '/tmp/launch-mAuKFs/org.macosforge.xquartz;0' IG_ROOT = '/Users/johns_iMac/Applications/SketchUp 2013/' SHLVL = '4' PWD = '/' _ = '/usr/bin/open' __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING = '0x1F5;0;0' COMMAND_MODE = 'unix2003'
IG_ROOT is the only change... but that may make a difference, especially with 'sandboxing' and 'gatekeeper', I'll dig some more.
@fredo6 said:
However what I want to be sure of is more precise.
ok, I found a difference, v8 run from /Applications and v2013 run from ~/Applications
this script is in both 'Plugins' folders, [with appropriate version in name...]
FileTest.writable_real?('/tmp') && FileTest.writable_real?(ENV['TMPDIR']) UI.messagebox("This code is for Mac only!") begin home = File.expand_path "~" path = File.join( home, "/from_v8_plugins_file") file =, "w") file.write( + "\n" + "FileTest.writable_real?('/tmp') = " + (FileTest.writable_real?("/tmp")).to_s + "\n" + "FileTest.writable_real?(ENV['TMPDIR']) = " + (FileTest.writable_real?(ENV['TMPDIR'])).to_s ) rescue IOError => e #some error occur, dir not writable etc. ensure file.close unless file == nil end
on start up v8 shows the dialog and writes the temp file to my user Directory. v2013 doesn't, I'll move it back to see if it's the ~/Application path that's causing it to not run...
Then the next thing to check if whether a Ruby script can create a directory under the /users/...hierarchy (pointed to by HOME).
If so, then, I'll store the parameters in this part, whether Sketchup is installed in /users or /applications.
I think this is the crux of the issue,
SU 2013 writes nothing to the
> FileTest.writable_real?("/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp") false
plugins are either in the app bundle or written to
> FileTest.writable_real?(File.expand_path("~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp")) true
it also appears that though loaded they don't 'auto run' on load from /Plugins.This does appear to be different, from v8
the same tmp paths are still all accessible, but not immediately on load.
I can get it to auto run on load from "~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp/Tools", but only because I have another script that writes that Directory for me, and SU auto loads/runs my startup files that are in it.
Of course a user should be able to make a new directory in one of the user's 'own' folders.
After all it would be pointless having permissions set to prevent a user writing things into their own folders. Conversely it's a good idea to protect system/program folders from indiscriminate changes by general users...As I mentioned several posts back, the premade user's folders for making temporary files, OR subfolders within this to keep you files together, is the ../Local/Temp/ folder or the MAC equivalent.
The location one level down from that can be used for the permanent subfolder+files from your tool as this isn't auto-purged during system cleanups... ../Local/ or don't see you concern, these folders are designed to do exactly what you intend, so permissions should always be OK...
@driven said:
I think this is the crux of the issue,
SU 2013 writes nothing to the
> FileTest.writable_real?("/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp") false
maybe you didn't give it the proper path? because when i put this in the console:
FileTest.writable_real?("/Users/jeff/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp/plugins")
it returnstrue
that's the exact path i was given upon entering the line from TIG--
@unknownuser said:
maybe you didn't give it the proper path? because when i put this in the console:
@ Jeff, both paths are there, one for the user path [shows true] and one is showing that the 'old' System/Library/path doesn't exist anymore, so it's the same as doing
which returns...
%(#4000BF)[Google SketchUp 6
Google SketchUp 7
Google SketchUp 8
SketchUp 5]where
%(#008000)[Google SketchUp 6
Google SketchUp 7
Google SketchUp 8
SketchUp 2013
SketchUp 5]SketchUp 2013 is only in the User path, as you have shown...
john -
I think it's something else that has changed, I can still write files anywhere I want, if triggered by a user action after SU has loaded.
before, I could just run a script on load, so the simplest example, if saved as hello.rb
UI.messagebox("Hello from Plugins")
it would run as soon as SU loaded it from either Plugins folder, but it doesn't now.if I use
load "/Users/johns_iMac/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp/Plugins/hello.rb"
from 'Ruby Console' it runs.If your trying to write to temp 'on load' it won't work from 'Plugins' anymore. It's not the destination that's at fault, it simply won't run.
EDIT: found what had changed, but I'll leave this up anyway, I had v2013 Plugins turned 'off', from another script... DOH so it will run and write from the ~/Library/path to 'Plugins' -
@driven said:
@ Jeff, both paths are there, one for the user path [shows true] and one is showing that the 'old' System/Library/path doesn't exist anymore, so it's the same as doing
SketchUp 2013 is only in the User path, as you have shown...
johnright.. i think you missed the point of my post though..
you got FALSE whereas i got TRUE upon using
and we were both aiming for the same folder (the 2013 folder)ie- i had /Users/jeff in front of my path and your path started at /Library.. the front end was truncated
[edit].. i'll also point out that using the tilde instead of /users/jeff returns false
> FileTest.writable_real?("~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp/plugins") false
@unknownuser said:
[edit].. i'll also point out that using the tilde instead of /users/jeff returns false
that's why I used
FileTest.writable_real?(File.expand_path("~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp"))
which returns
, because theFile.expand_path("~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp")
bit returns
/Users/johns_iMac/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp
, so when combined it gives the same result as hard coding, but will work for any user.The real point I was trying to make is that any 'Plugin' that's hardcoded to use "/Library/Application Support/SketchUp [n]/SketchUp/" will fail in v2013 because that 'Folder' is not created by v2013.
So, given that the only pathout is from /Users/ why would there be any permission issues at all, unless something has been 'turned' off by 'System' or the user.
Even with
FileTest.writable_real?(Sketchup.find_support_file('plugins' || 'Plugins' ))
no matter what I try, I can't get this to fail writing a new file in a new folder in 'Plugins'
if saved in ~/Library/Application\ Support/SketchUp\ 2013/SketchUp/Plugins/from_v2013_plugins.rb
begin home = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) test_dir = home + "/!Test_Folder" Dir.mkdir(test_dir) unless FileTest.exists?(test_dir) path = File.join( test_dir, "/from_v2013_plugins_file") file =, "w") file.write( + "\n" + "FileTest.writable_real?('/tmp') = " + (FileTest.writable_real?("/tmp")).to_s + "\n" + "FileTest.writable_real?(ENV['TMPDIR']) = " + (FileTest.writable_real?(ENV['TMPDIR'])).to_s ) rescue IOError => e #some error occur, dir not writable etc. ensure file.close unless file == nil end
and it's text is
%(#0000FF)[Sun May 26 23:08:59 +0100 2013
FileTest.writable_real?('/tmp') = true
FileTest.writable_real?(ENV['TMPDIR']) = true]
so, all three paths are writable_real? from a ruby script from either /Users/johns_iMac/Applications/SketchUp 2013 or from /Applications/SketchUp 2013