Thank you sketchup
There's a really nice reason Derrick is part of the new version.
I'm sure SU will tell the story behind Derrick soon.
@cuttingedge said:
I'd like to thank 3 persons for educating me in 3d... The 4th I still have to see what future we have together...
That is genuinely touching - well said.
Interesting to note that 'Derrick' seems a bit stockier than his predecessors - as am I. Is a comment being made here?
@rich o brien said:
There's a really nice reason Derrick is part of the new version.
I'm sure SU will tell the story behind Derrick soon.
Oh.. Stories? There are stories? 'would really love to learn these stories one day.
Could this be the story behind the man in 2013 skp?
(no offense to the man, i know a hero gets attacked on all sides)
From Left to Right you have Bryce, who was part of the SketchUp team for a long time. He is still with Google, doing crazy things with maps
, then Sang Ahn who is a programmer, and he is also with Google. Then Susan who was one of the earliest programmers for SketchUp. She is still on the team and working late into the night all too often, and lastly is Derrick, a friend of SketchUp.
There's a little background
and for a touch of irony your 3D educators are all 2D models
@cuttingedge said:
Oh.. Stories? There are stories? 'would really love to learn these stories one day.
His name is Derrick Darby and he passed away last year.
@krisidious said:
How sad...
@unknownuser said:
During the last five years he was the force behind the Trimble Connected Community, driving both product development and customer adoption with his unique touch of enthusiasm, charm and determination. Derrick profoundly impacted the software strategy across the company and this year played a pivotal role in the acquisition of SketchUp from Google.