Random foam blocks - Please help
%(#FF0000)[Hello all,
Just wondered if anyone could help me with this? I am trying to drop into my model some random foam blocks for a gymnastics landing pit as per the attached photo (blocks shown in green). I have tried combo-spray and canvas but can't seem to get the desired effect. The blocks are 90 x 90 x 600mm. At the moment I am drawing a flat surface and using a photo texture of the blocks which looks dreadful
If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them. Many thanks.
i often model foam pits using the scale and "rotate random" plugin. search it. that will do the job easy..
Thanks for that Panixia. I have downloaded and tried and it seems to get the effect I require.
sketchy physics and drop them in...
Did you try using Rigid Bodies in Blender?
Just thought I'd show a picture to show foam blocks I have now managed to achieve.
Thanks for the help.