[Plugin] Simple Plugin Installer
Thanks very much for the update. I found the original version worked very well.
Hey guys,
For some reason, the "Install Extension" option is not available to me.
Any fix for this? otherwise how do i go around installing the plugin?Im using Windows 7 64-bit, Google Sketchup 8 Pro.
Attached a screenshot of the problem

Please, make sure you update your SU installation to the latest build. This was introduced during one of the SU 8 maintenance releases. You apparently have an older version.
I believe the option was introduced with the second maintenance release. There have been three more since.
Didn't you get at least one notification that there is a new version of SU8?
It was added in M2 - hence the requirement listing SU8M2.
Firewalls might block the update notifications. Our office does this. All though, when the firewall was more relaxed, I noticed that most uses just clicked away the notification. Messagebox-blindness.
Thank you guys. Apparently my "check for updates" option in preferences was unchecked.
And till now i have been using sketchup without ever facing issues so never realized updates have come.
Thank you ThomThom, I finally managed to get your shell plugin working, it's been really useful.
I'm glad to have joined this community, has already helped me a lot with my modelling work.
Looking forward to give some input from my side tooOn a side note, I'm experiencing issues with sketchup becoming a little slower, i mean its lagging a little after the update, any input on this guys?
Could be that you have run into issues with messed up toolbar registry items. Are you comfortable navigating the registry?
Actually, I have no idea how to edit anything regarding the registry. But then I'm a fast learner.
Anyways the issue seems to have gone now after i restarted my laptop.
sorry mate.
I am Portuguese. can you tell me were i can find ruby console+ in the preference tab.
I have SU 8pro installed and it is not there.
How can i install cleanup3 plugin?
teach me please.
The Ruby Console is under the Window menu.
I just installed your installer and I can now load all the .rb scripts that I couldn't before. I'm new to Sketchup and the ruby script thing was crazy - can't load .rb files - now I can.Wonderful, thanks so much!
Thanks for this great plugin!! It helped me saving a lot of work just when I needed it.
Great job!Marlon
My sketchup doesnt have an " install extension" button .. any explanations ?
Hi Dima,
Have you got the latest version of SketchUp 8? This feature was introduced in Maintenance release 2 only.
why does i dont have install extension?
Look at the post above yours.
I dont find the button "install extension". Could somebody help me? Is there another way to install rbz files? thank you.
Massimo, i had seen that post. I've asked if there is another way to instal rbz files. I dont want change my sketchup version. thank you.