[Plugin] ImageTrimmer
Sorry on this old question but I try to find solution w/o success.
I read all of posts here but on the end need help.
ImageTrimmer don't workLet's go
Windows XP pro
IE 8
SU 8Folder is C:/Temp
Image is Test.pngWhen I start ImageTrimmer from SU (Tools-ImageTrimer) status line show it works.
After a while process is finished but nothing heppened.
In folder C:/Temp/TrimmedImages (after this there is only Test.png w/o other two files.
Path in files "from.ini" and "to.ini" is ok.If I try manualy with click on EdgeDetector.jar then in folder C:/Temp/TrimmedImages appears and other files - Test[Edges].dat and Test[Edges].png
I try from RC with this result
What now?
The error tells you is is not making the .dat file.
This is made on the .jar side so it suggests one of several things...
Do you have FULL security permissions to the Plugins folder and its subfolders and their contents?
Select icon right-click context menu > Properties > Security > Edit > FULL... [perhaps as an Admin?]
Because it reads/writes files from the SKMtools subfolder this must be fully accessible to 'ALL'...Another possibility...
Do you have Java installed on your PC ?
If not install it, it's freely available on the http://www.. .Next are JAR files set to 'open' [execute] with Java ?
A JAR file is a small executable that is run by Java to do a simple task - here it processes image data, not readily available cross-platform with SketchUp's version of Ruby alone...
A default Java installation should be set to execute JARs, BUT if you have installed certain deCompression [ZIP] applications they may have a list of file-associations which 'hijack' various file-types and then open them directly within that app, rather than their native application as required for JARs. JAR is often one of those file-types... to correct it open the deCompression [ZIP] app and then open its settings/options dialog - look for a file-associations tab... uncheck JAR, Save the changes and close......and retry ImageTrimmer...
These Java Control Panel settings work for me - see the screen-shots attached...
Windows XP permissions work slightly differently from more recent Windows versions... BUT you can still make sure that you have unrestricted access-rights to the Plugins folder and its contents...
My Java Control Panel settings are same as yours.
This made help abut how to put security tab
http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/sag_seconceptsunobject.mspx?mfr=trueThen with rigt_click
and in Plugins Folder
SKMgtools>Properties>Securityfor all Group and user names all permission are marked - Allowe
Then I triggered ImageTrimmer.
Unfortunatelysituation ia same like before.
Can you post the PNG you are trying to Trim...
At least if I can ImageTrim it we know it ought to work...
PM it if it's confidential... -
@tig said:
Can you post the PNG you are trying to Trim...
At least if I can ImageTrim it we know it ought to work...
PM it if it's confidential...I think is not conected with images because I tried a few different PNG among other and this (downloaded from here)with no result.
Works fine for me, so please post all of your Java settings and double-check that JAR files are set to open [execute] with Java...
The ZIP contains the input/skp/output...
The only difference I have is the last item Java Quick Starter is unchecked in my version, BUT I'd not expect that to be an issue...
Can you run Sketchup as an Admin and see if it helps...
@tig said:
The only difference I have is the last item Java Quick Starter is unchecked in my version, BUT I'd not expect that to be an issue...
Can you run Sketchup as an Admin and see if it helps...
Nothing new.... same old story
I tried once again and got just basic file in TrimmedImages folder.
Then, as you can see, I tried with input in RC, but TrimmedImages folder stay unchanged still only basic image.
@elacid said:
@tig said:
The only difference I have is the last item Java Quick Starter is unchecked in my version, BUT I'd not expect that to be an issue...
Can you run Sketchup as an Admin and see if it helps...
Nothing new.... same old story
I tried once again and got just basic file in TrimmedImages folder.
Then, as you can see, I tried with input in RC, but TrimmedImages folder stay unchanged still only basic image.
[attachment=0:26ynthtl]<!-- ia0 -->RC3.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:26ynthtl]
I had exactly the same problems. I never got it to work either
Works fine for me on two PCs and my Mac.
@picky1958 said:
@elacid said:
@tig said:
The only difference I have is the last item Java Quick Starter is unchecked in my version, BUT I'd not expect that to be an issue...
Can you run Sketchup as an Admin and see if it helps...
Nothing new.... same old story
I tried once again and got just basic file in TrimmedImages folder.
Then, as you can see, I tried with input in RC, but TrimmedImages folder stay unchanged still only basic image.
[attachment=0:2sef8osi]<!-- ia0 -->RC3.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2sef8osi]
I had exactly the same problems. I never got it to work either
But somewhere there must be a Catch. I hope so
@dave r said:
Works fine for me on two PCs and my Mac.
Yes, but the problem is not noticeable when running than when not working
@elacid said:
@picky1958 said:
@elacid said:
@tig said:
The only difference I have is the last item Java Quick Starter is unchecked in my version, BUT I'd not expect that to be an issue...
Can you run Sketchup as an Admin and see if it helps...
Nothing new.... same old story
I tried once again and got just basic file in TrimmedImages folder.
Then, as you can see, I tried with input in RC, but TrimmedImages folder stay unchanged still only basic image.
[attachment=0:2de0bzyz]<!-- ia0 -->RC3.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2de0bzyz]
I had exactly the same problems. I never got it to work either
But somewhere there must be a Catch. I hope so
I gave up on it. I am good with computers but when it comes up to some terms, there is also a language barrier. Some things are hard to find when you get instructions in english and you are hanging around with a PC that only speaks german!
@picky1958 said:
I gave up on it. I am good with computers but when it comes up to some terms, there is also a language barrier. Some things are hard to find when you get instructions in english and you are hanging around with a PC that only speaks german!
Yes it is a problem. Most people I know have Windows upgrade on its own local language.
My knowledge of English is poor, but there's no way for me to upgrade Windows on my PC to local language just for the reason you mention.As someone said, Hope dies last.
To give up is not an option -
I've been thinking a bit about this problem and the conclusion is as follows
When I start Image trimer from SU as I can see in status line
there appears one by one dot indicating that Image Trimer works.
In folder TrimmedImage shows up a copy of basic image.
Contents of files from.ini and to.ini are created with rigt paths what all indicates this part work fine.But after this point, after minute or minute and a half it stops.
In folder TrimmedImage there is no files image[Edges].dat and image[Edges].pngThe main question is, what heppens in that minute, according status line ImageTrimer works something.
Does it produce this two files image[Edges].dat and image[Edges].png or not.
We have two options
Files are produced but sometning has gone wrong and files can not be saved in TrimmerdImage folder
Files are not produced which brings us back to the question of what then happens in that minute, minute and half.On the other side when EdgeDetector.jar is triggered manualy it produce this two files in folder.
When EdgeDetector.jar is trigered inside RC nothing happens. -
If you try this in the RC
what happens ? -
@tig said:
If you try this in the RC
what happens ?Full path to EdgeDetector.jar is :
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/SKMtools/EdgeDetector.jarIn this case if this is correct
after enter and few seconds I got just this
and nothing more
Folder TrimmedImage is unchanged.