Reversed text
Can anyone tell me if there is an easy way to flip all the text notes on a plan from the left to the right? I have a plan I have been asked to reverse, left to right. Its not problem to reverse the drawing, but if I select all the notes & flip them, their positions are corrected but the the text is reversed.
I have already amended these manually, however, my client now wants the corrected plan reversed back again! Is there a short cut!?
Place the rotation pivot at the center of the page
rotate the selected text boxes with the pivot
flip top to bottom
flip left to right
I tried that Rich - I still have backward text unless I flip each label individually... time consuming. i was hoping I could flip all the positions simultaneously without flipping the actual text backward.
It works for me but I could be missing the exact problem here....
Did you try selecting everything and doing a negative scale -1?
No easy solution other than rt-clk -> flip on each text block after flipping the whole drawing. A prime example where you just have to get your head down and get on with it until we get Ruby in LO.
There may be a moral to the story - Make regular backups and consider creating a new file before carrying out any major revisions.
The old days of backside (diazo) printing are gone. The text shouldn't do that, you should have to have a ruby to MAKE IT go backwards. LO shortcoming.
Another great example why the guys (and girls
) should implement the Ruby API in next version...
If some of the ruby gurus was able to code a little for LO, I'm sure we would see many things improved... -
@pbacot said:
The old days of backside (diazo) printing are gone. The text shouldn't do that, you should have to have a ruby to MAKE IT go backwards. LO shortcoming.
I think you are right Peter, the odds are that when you flip things about you would like the text to retain its justification and orientation although there may be ocassions when you want reversed text but that could best be handled through the attribute box. One for the 2013 wishlist?
@emerald15 said:
I have already amended these manually, however, my client now wants the corrected plan reversed back again! Is there a short cut!?
Always save a copy of your drawing before making changes. Nothing worst than a client saying they want something changed only to change their mind and go back to the last idea...
on reversing text; as everyone said there is not easy way currently.
Thanks for the advice everyone. Yes, believe me I have saved all previous versions (we got up to version 'M' on this project last year)! However, with the inclusion of amendments & un-expected plan re-scaling, etc. using the previous set of notes isn't idea either. Ah well...!
Yeah there is no easy way. Though at least you can setup a flip shortcut! flip all the text to the opposite then select each and flip.