Present your best work!
Sorry for the slow load time....
Not the best but the result at full res and at full lenght is kinda cool...
@rich o brien said:
Sorry for the slow load time....
Not the best but the result at full res and at full lenght is kinda cool...
Blender and cycles?
That is cool, Rich
Blender and Internal....
But the text was generated in SU as generating text in Blender causing really bad meshes.
Some baking and exporting of some 80+scenes before I found a quicker method staring me in the face..
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
a quicker method
and what is this sweety method ?
Reading the manual
@rich o brien said:
?...before I found a quicker method staring me in the face..
You just described every modeling experience I've had with Sketchup so far. Ah, learning.
@hellnbak said:
I've always been particularly proud of this one.
Isn't that... cute ?!
Great space ship there... If my name would be Ridley Scott I would make an Alien 5 scenario and buy that space ship for the film CG
@krisidious said:
Ken comes in and flops it out on the table and says what do you think about that. His model that is.
Thank you for your comment, Kristoff.
@richard said:
And we all step back and look down in shame!!!Amazing Ken!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Richard, but there is nothing to be ashamed of. There are so many talented artists and architects in this forum and I always enjoy seeing their works. Even though I have been using Sketchup almost every day for the last 12-13 years, I always learn something new by looking at sketchup models that people post in this forum, whether they are experts or beginners.
@bunnyack said:
How long did that spaceship take you? I can hardly imagine the patience it must take to do such detail...
Thanks for your interest, Kevin. It took me 3 weeks, working a few hours each night. If you want to see the WIP of the starship, please visit my "sci-fi" thread:
@omikron said:
Great space ship there... If my name would be Ridley Scott I would make an Alien 5 scenario and buy that space ship for the film CG
Thanks for your kind comment, Nicholas. Yeah, that would be my dream job, to work for the movie industry someday.
Have a great weekend!
Not all my own work, I just customized the model provided for a 'Render this' challenge a while ago. The original model belongs to Tadema,(thanks and hope you don't mind John) but so far its the best render I have come up with on my tired old PC at home. Plenty of things still wrong with it but I like it
I haven't been able to top this one yet.
Not sure if it's my best, but it was definitely the most fun! The Hannibal 8 from the 1964 movie "The Great Race", starring Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Natalie Wood.
@hellnbak said:
Not sure if it's my best, but it was definitely the most fun! The Hannibal 8 from the 1964 movie "The Great Race", starring Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Natalie Wood.
The detail on that one is amazing
@bunnyack said:
The detail on that one is amazing
Thanks Kevin. I must confess that everything in the fourth shot is purely from my imagination. There were absolutely no photos available of that area, just a vague reference that the rear wheels were chain driven and the scissor lift, steering and brakes were all powered by hydraulic motors that were powered by a VW engine that rose with the body. I have no knowledge of hydraulics and such, so I just had fun with it.
And it had absolutely no suspension, which must have been fun considering some of the roads this thing went tearing down in the movie
@carloh said:
very nice keyboard model...the top edges of the keys though could use just a little bit of bevelling for the bit of extra realism in my opinion
apple? bevels? nonsense..
they don't mind producing completely hard edged aluminum things either.. -
hmm.. i think my 'best works' aren't necessarily in particularly pretty model formats.. a couple of models that might look ok for the thread though..
@unknownuser said:
hmm.. i think my 'best works' aren't necessarily in particularly pretty model formats
as in.. they generally look like crap and are probably confusing to others..
lot's of good info in there though..