Messin' around with my '56
Hey, If you ever need photos of specific parts, or diagrams let me know. I have a 56' at home and a pile of maintenance and repair manuals for it. Its not a Nomad like what your modeling, but for the most part their all pretty much the same guts.
Amazing model!
@hellnbak said:
@ely862me said:
The upper A arm could use some rounding on the outside edges !
I still can't believe your degree of patience !!
Yeah, I've worked on that. And the lower control arm. And pretty much everything else. I think I'll just buy a '56 and use it for reference (shouldn't cost too much, after all it's 56 years old, right?)
As for my patience, sometimes I do run short of that. But I remind myself that "There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over"
@tedvitale said:
Hey, If you ever need photos of specific parts, or diagrams let me know. I have a 56' at home and a pile of maintenance and repair manuals for it. Its not a Nomad like what your modeling, but for the most part their all pretty much the same guts.
Amazing model!
Wow, haven't thought about this model for awhile! Sometimes I bounce around working on my models and forget to bounce back to one
I really appreciate your offer. If and when I attack this thing again I may take you up on it. Right now I'm concentrating on learning how to render and how to use Photoshop (again. I used to be pretty good with PS but stopped for a couple of years and can't seem to remember a dang thing now. Frustrating)
Insane is less said... astonishing detail on the framework and body. People usually don't pay too much attention when they're making cars as they used to do back in the 50's and 60's. You're the one that still does pay attention to those details, congrats !