Problem rendering with v-ray!need help...
Which V-Ray version? How much RAM does your machine have? Even though SU is 32-bit, the latest SU8 will allow you to use up to 4GB. The best advice I have is close your model, open it fresh with nothing else open on your machine, change to wireframe, close you dialog windows (components, layers, etc.), Go to options, check Render to VRImage but choose EXR as the file type you save to in the filename dialog box, VFB model to preview (so you can see progress). Say a prayer and click Render.
i ve got 3.87GB RAM that can be used and i think i have the latest v-ray but i m not entirely sure
sometimes SU8 might fail and SU6 might be able to render a file i ve done so i tries with all three sketchj up versions, SU6 SU7 SU8i ve done what you said and i ll try and see if there is any result. waiting for it to render (praying)
thanks a lot for the advice. these little things might make a difference. if you have any other hints or tips they are more than welcome -
failed again! sketch up crashed
My advice is to use SU 8 and never go back to any other version. I have never ever had a reason to go back because something worked better in 7 or 6. Good God, stay away from 6. That's like 2006 technology!!!
Stick with 8, get the latest 1.49.01 Vray - same here - don't go back to the older version.
Purge your file under Model Info / Statistics / Purge Unused
Reset the options to defaults (don't load old visopts from previous versions or the web)
Try to render a clay render first by using material override, see if that renders, if so, then you have a material bug. This is the problem with 3D Warehouse models, you really don't know what you get with those. May have to spend some time opening the textures in PS and resizing and saving as JPEG.
@karolos89 said:
when i try to render this message comes up:''Unable to create the error report. Please verity that there is enough space in your TEMP folder''.
i think you need to clean up the disk drive
because windows store lot of things in that temporary folder.
you can use Disk Cleanup tool located in Start menu
i hope this can work -
@ayamutan said:
@karolos89 said:
when i try to render this message comes up:''Unable to create the error report. Please verity that there is enough space in your TEMP folder''.
i think you need to clean up the disk drive
because windows store lot of things in that temporary folder.
you can use Disk Cleanup tool located in Start menu
i hope this can workVrayforSketchup has always got that error on the Temp folder thing.
It has never been resolved.
Tried different things in different versions to resolve it, including deleting the Temp folder altogether.
It's a bug that has been there for years.
Rendering large scenes in Vray For Sketchup is virtually impossible (in my experience).
Sometimes it works, and then all of a sudden it doesn't anymore... or all the Vray materials you have set up previously just disappear etc...
Using clip map trees extensively is a no go as well. Clipmaps either make everything crash, or the 'parsing ' time goes up from hours to daysMy advise, I would wait for VrayforSketchup to mature in next versions if you want to use it professionally.
Hi, I have same problem with this error ''Unable to create the error report. Please verity that there is enough space in your TEMP folder''.
My project is for game map environment, file size is 115 MB and there a lot materials imported. In next stage I have to render it like animation. My version is Google SketchUp 7 PRO ( I had bigger problems withand original last trial version of Vray.
What I done till now: upgrade my system to :
QuadCore Intel Core i5-3570, 3600 MHz (36 x 100), 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560. and enough space in C
I change temporary space to 130000 MB!
I use all of my vismat materials from one place/one folder
I read a lot of info about this problem, but nothing helps.
So sketchup just can't do it? Is that true?
Here they use this to advertise SketchUp like useful for game designing tool, but the problem is with materials and textures in Vray I guess.
Is there someone with decision for this problem and how? Thanks in advance.
Also, I use Windows 7 64 bit. Can FARM rendering be decision of this problem ? 2 or 3 machines in FARM net maybe will separate weight of the file. Has anyone tried this?
@kwistenbiebel said:
Rendering large scenes in Vray For Sketchup is virtually impossible (in my experience).
....My advise, I would wait for VrayforSketchup to mature in next versions if you want to use it professionally.
not sure of this, yes vfs has it's limits, but if you properly manage your scene you can manage quite big scene.
i don't see this scene that big, i've rendered much more large and complex scene.i think what you really need is to have some attention in modeling.
such as: don't overmodel! get rid of all unnecessary geometry, use a proper amount of segments for curvy things, use component if you have some reapeted geometry, properly layer it, so you can hide what is not needed for that scene, try to get rid of those crappy warehouse model (actually not all are that crappy, but HIMO 90% of it does) or at least clean them, in particular look at materials wich often are messy, in addition, if they have some repeated geometryes, make them components because not always they are..the more i come into sketchup + vray, the more i suggest to model your components by yourself, at least when it is possible..
also i found that a good trick is to have low-poly versions of hi-poly components and put it to different layers, so you can quickly show/hide them depending how close the view is..
also don't use hi-res textures, refractions and most of all displacement, if you don't actually need them..
hope this can help
I found somewhat of a solution to this, at least what helps for me. Use only rectangular lights, STORE TO IRRADIANCE MAP checked for sure, render with irradiance map as primary engine and use as little omnis and other lights as possible because they cant be stored to irradiance map (no option for that). And output file as .exr vrimage.