[Plugin] Zorro2 (beta)
No, Zorro2 will use the section plane as a cutting plane and that is always flat by nature. I cannot think of another plugin that would perform such a cutting operation now (this does not mean it does not exist) and of course, a manual intersection may be extremely tedious with complex geometry and/or lots of nested elements in groups/components.
Some boolean tools may make it easier but still, nested things can be an obstacle.
Firstly - Awesome plugin!!! Well done and thank you very much for sharing
I get a bugsplat every time I've tried to use Zoro2. Then went through the exercise of disabling all my plugins one at a time. The problem is caused by the SU Podium plugin - the moment I disable it, Zoro2 works!
Any way around this?
Kind regards
PvdB -
@unknownuser said:
Any way around this?
Make 2 folders "Plugins" one with Podium, and one without it
And rename them when you want use Zorro2 -
@gaieus said:
No, Zorro2 will use the section plane as a cutting plane and that is always flat by nature. I cannot think of another plugin that would perform such a cutting operation now (this does not mean it does not exist) and of course, a manual intersection may be extremely tedious with complex geometry and/or lots of nested elements in groups/components.
Some boolean tools may make it easier but still, nested things can be an obstacle.
Maybe it is a good idea to create SU models with cleaned up geometry in general as a code of good conduct. That way you can, via boolean subtract, make any section of any shape you wish.
Also I don't understand why in SU version 8 they have not gotten it together to fix the section tool so that it makes filled up solid section or sections with a hatch pattern??
Why we need another plug in for this basic function, which already exists, is beyond me! -
@desertraven said:
@gaieus said:
No, Zorro2 will use the section plane as a cutting plane and that is always flat by nature. I cannot think of another plugin that would perform such a cutting operation now (this does not mean it does not exist) and of course, a manual intersection may be extremely tedious with complex geometry and/or lots of nested elements in groups/components.
Some boolean tools may make it easier but still, nested things can be an obstacle.
Maybe it is a good idea to create SU models with cleaned up geometry in general as a code of good conduct. That way you can, via boolean subtract, make any section of any shape you wish.
Also I don't understand why in SU version 8 they have not gotten it together to fix the section tool so that it makes filled up solid section or sections with a hatch pattern??
Why we need another plug in for this basic function, which already exists, is beyond me!the reason why sketchup doesn't fil in the solids is because is doesn't is is a solid!
not even when you work with the boolean substract.you draw lines and sketchup conect them with planes.
i can't be solved to my opinion, otherwise you need to change the fundaments of sketchup.if you want a progame that works with volumetric and 'real ' boolean use 3ds max or autocad.
keeping your model clean is true but not easy at al, and when you use groups (like me) slicesing them is a hell of a job.
Thx for this great plugin!!
@skwatz said:
the reason why sketchup doesn't fil in the solids is because is doesn't is is a solid!
not even when you work with the boolean substract.There are solid tools, so there have to be solids too
@skwatz said:
@desertraven said:
@gaieus said:
No, Zorro2 will use the section plane as a cutting plane and that is always flat by nature. I cannot think of another plugin that would perform such a cutting operation now (this does not mean it does not exist) and of course, a manual intersection may be extremely tedious with complex geometry and/or lots of nested elements in groups/components.
Some boolean tools may make it easier but still, nested things can be an obstacle.
Maybe it is a good idea to create SU models with cleaned up geometry in general as a code of good conduct. That way you can, via boolean subtract, make any section of any shape you wish.
Also I don't understand why in SU version 8 they have not gotten it together to fix the section tool so that it makes filled up solid section or sections with a hatch pattern??
Why we need another plug in for this basic function, which already exists, is beyond me!the reason why sketchup doesn't fil in the solids is because is doesn't is is a solid!
not even when you work with the boolean substract.you draw lines and sketchup conect them with planes.
i can't be solved to my opinion, otherwise you need to change the fundaments of sketchup.if you want a progame that works with volumetric and 'real ' boolean use 3ds max or autocad.
keeping your model clean is true but not easy at al, and when you use groups (like me) slicesing them is a hell of a job.
Thx for this great plugin!!
Dude, you are completely wrong or you are just not doing it right, the last time I did a section with boolean subtract, there were faces in the section!
Also it is very easy to keep your geometry clean by just paying attention to what you are doing and not being sloppy and lazy. (I constantly get models from other companies especially architects, that are just F>U>B>A>R> because they don't even care to learn their S*@t.
And No sir I'm not going to buy 3D MAX or any other tool just because sketchup is a "half assed" software that just needs some fixing.
Sketchup has all it needs to be an outstanding tool, there are just some things that never got fixed and I'm not talking about adding more commands and buttons, just fixing what there is already would be a leap into the right direction. -
Hey guys,
I am trying to cut my model, everytime there is a bug and SU crashes down?
Any solutions, advices?It is quite complicated model with a lot of components and materials, could it be that?
Without post your model (save as V6) it's impossible to say something
You answer is in your question.
Zorro isn't magic.
If there are zillions of 'containers' contents to cut it only needs to trip up once for a splat!
Because the process is destructive you are presumably working on a copy of the original SKP and you probably have little use for its 'structure' of groups/instances...
So, in that copy, why not explode all containers in the active model [iterating until there are none in the Outliner - that's an easy way to select them...]
Also erase all hidden layers and their contents etc... and all hidden objects too [if any]/
Also purge the model of unused things... this will speed up what it has to look through when 'cutting'...
Now retry on the slimline group-free version of the SKP.
It should be much quicker and less prone to failure... -
my schoolmate recommend me this plugin,seems useful ,looking forward!
Would be pretty cool if you could also split at section plane, but without deleting anything, like inserting a 10mm gab or whatever at the intersection of the section plane.
Very useful for cutting a model up for 3d printing.
You can by right clicking section plane, create groups from slice. But it doesent destroy original group.
Or use tigs slicer.
@jolran said:
You can by right clicking section plane, create groups from slice. But it doesent destroy original group.
I'm new to this. where does this plugin? my sketchup 8 only has .rbz plugins
@da man said:
I'm new to this. where does this plugin? my sketchup 8 only has .rbz plugins
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp8\Plugins
Exactly what I needed! This tool was a life saver for creating quick perspective sections to be rendered into 3dsMax. I was amazed by how quickly it cut through a complex model, too. Thank you, Whaat!
Hey guys, new to sketchucation. My friend recommended I get Zorro as I have started using 3d rendering software and want to take sections and render them. However, I have been reading through this thread and many others like it because sketchup keeps crashing every time I try to "slice model at section" it says "cuttinggroup#2" at the bottom left hand corner of the window.
I have tried pretty much everything, disabling other plugins, purging unused, exploding all groups and components (outliner is showing just one entry) I have tried opening in su7 and 8 both pro.
I really can't understand why it isn't working, I have seen much more complicated models cut by Zorro2.
I am using a Mac but I don't think that should make a difference.Please, any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Keep what is 'cut' as simple as you can.
You can imaging that the process of cutting geometry and discarding some etc is very complex and prone to fail at every step.
SketchUp can't cope with very tiny geometry.
For example, its in-built accuracy could consider two points that are very very slightly different, as being coincident... and therefore it might not draw a line between them, although in reality a tiny line would be needed to complete an intersected 'cut' - thus it fails.
You can see this issue with the native intersect tool not making a perfect intersected outline it it's through a mesh that has tiny facets so parts of the intersected outline would be very small, and they don't get made. FollowMe will also fail to complete everything, say a very faceted pipe on a very tight radius bend, where some facets would be tiny and get omitted.
You will get tiny geometry from very faceted/triangulated surfaces, leaves, etc; so
If you are cutting very small geometry consider Scaling the whole model up by x100, cutting and then scaling down again. Very tiny geometry can exist but creating it can prove difficult.