Disable autoupdate for LibFredo6
I've noticed that with LibFredo v4.7a and RoundCorner v2.3a autoupdate is enabled. How can I disable this completely?
I see under Window > LibFredo6 Settings... > Check Plugins for Update... I can set the "Next check in:" field, or under Default Parameters I can deselect "Check only Plugins installed locally", will one of these do it? It's not totally clear to me.
Also, when SketchUp is opened a window with a red diamond in it opens, can this be disabled?
I am deploying an image in a school environment so we like to streamline these things.
Thanks for the help.
Put in a long number for the frequency, which I think defaults to 30 days - so try 999 ?
That would be a workaround I suppose, but there should be a way to disable it altogether.
@jwall04 said:
That would be a workaround I suppose, but there should be a way to disable it altogether.
No, there is no way to disable it, but I will include one in a next version.
For the time being, just put 999 for ***"Next Check in (days)"***field in the Default Parameters dialog box of LibFredo6. That should avoid the diamond icon to appear.Fredo
@unknownuser said:
That should avoid the diamond icon to appear. Fredo
Ha! and all this time I thought it was a Ruby
Charlie -
Thanks Fredo6 and Tig, I'll just use 999 for now.