Layout Dimension Text Default
How can i set the default dimension text height to 8 pt?
Currently every dimension i place has 6 pt text and i have to change it manually. It's very slow. -
If you change you Text height to 8pt then all future Dimensions will use that.
Your Dimensions will also use the set font etc.
The current Dimension settings like m >> mm, arrowheads etc will also stand for any future dims.
If you have several dims already made and you want to 'regularize' them, then selected them all [add to the selection rather than picking individual dims!] and then change the dim style and/or text style etc as desired, and they will all adjust to match that - in one go.
You can also consider making your own template with the various options for these [and many other parameters] set as you prefer... and then use that template whenever you start a new Layout document... -
You would likely find it useful to set the text for text boxes and labels while you're at it. As TIG says, if you find you always need to change text size to something else for new projects, you should be making a template that is appropriate for your use.
You can also sample an existing text box or other entity and apply its characteristics to new ones going forward by selecting the tool, Dimensions in your case, and hitting S. Click on the already modified dimension to sample it and go on with your dimensioning.