Royalty free
Is SU royaty free? Can I use models for reference, that other folks made, at my company?
The question is not if SU is royalty free but if others' creative work is.
Just like the pencil and the drawing Picasso made with it. -
The answer to that question would depend on who made the models and where you get them. SketchUp has nothing to do with that.
As your question is phrased it sounds like you are asking about royalties on models other people at your company made. If that's what you're asking, you need to talk to your coworkers or someone in your company's legal department.
I'm guessing you really mean you'd like to use models you've gotten from some outside source for projects you are doing at work. In that case, as I wrote above, it depends on the source. Models that you download from the 3D Warehouse are available without much limitation of use. If you get them from some commercial site such as Formfonts, you'll want to read their terms and follow them.
Yes,O.K, I phrased incorrectly. I want to use a warehouse model(that someone else made). Export a specific angle in 2D. Do a full blown photoshop painting over it. Present it to the director.Is this legal?
People who put models on the 3D Warehouse have basically given up any rights to them so you are free to use them.
O.K, let's take this one step further and say that the painting was published in a "Making of book" or something similar.Still legal?
I don't think you'd have any problems but if you're really worried about it, you should consult with a lawyer in your country and get real information.
@ricky_ric said:
Yes,O.K, I phrased incorrectly. I want to use a warehouse model(that someone else made). Export a specific angle in 2D. Do a full blown photoshop painting over it. Present it to the director.Is this legal?
That sounds like it's OK. Your limitation is not to pass on such warehouse models 'for money' [either as they are, or combined into your own models - at least without very very extensive changes to their form]***. However, using them as the basis of your own 2d imagery seems uncontentious. Selling an image isn't selling the object [unless of course it's substantially an image already - like a 'texture'!]. BUT you ought to read the terms of the warehouse to satisfy yourself.Even if you are quite sure that there is no issue, then it might be polite to inform [ask?] that SKP's author of your intentions... Put yourself in their position - if you were to put your own model into the warehouse, with unfettered download etc, then would you expect others to be limited in using it, other than you'd be miffed if they sold your work as it it were their own...
***Models obtained from elsewhere will often have different limitations - e.g. FormFonts and similar providers say you shouldn't pass on their models to others at all, evenly freely, also you can often only reuse them while you are still paying the annual 'license'; but again using your own 2d images of these models is not seen as contentious.