Two units of measure in dimension tool text
Is it possible to have the dimension tool display two units of measure? It would be helpful to have the text in the dimension tool to read <-----------25" (63.5 CM)------------>. I know you can add text and use the <> symbols to display the dimension in the models units. I was hoping I could enter something like: <> (<>*2.54) into the edit text box of the dimension, but so far no luck.
It would be nice but alas, no.
You can't access most of the Dimension's properties in Ruby API code. Its 'text' is one of those that's inaccessible - so it's not achievable 'in code' either
You could write yourself a new 'PeteDimension' object in code which would do this...
BUT it'd be so convoluted that it'd not be cost/time effective...
Manual edit keeping the true dim with '<>' plus your new text is the only sensible way, I'm afraid...