SU shortcut keys
Up 'til now I have been using toolbars to operate SU. However, I'd like to try using more shortcut keystrokes. I've followed instructions through windows/preferences, however, I don't have an existing file of keystrokes codes specific to SU to install. Is there a list available that I might add commonly used codes rather than selecting them randomly?
Most shortcut keys are obvious: Line=L, Arc=A, Circle=C, M=Move etc.
Keep a similar theme in mind when setting up you own.
Do NOT use keys that are required when 'initially' inputting values - like 0-9 X * S / . , [ < etc as typing on a distance(123) or number-of-copies(X3) would then invoke a tool shortcut to '1' or 'X' etc. You have all of the other keys available and with the combinations of 0/1/2/3 modifier keys that should be more than enough shortcuts !The 'pre-made' shortcuts are listed against their menu items.
To get a file of all of them you can export your Preferences.
If you later import your preferencesOpen the .dat file and read the list.
The three numbers represent the Ctrl/Alt/Shift key combos and then the 'key' itself.
You add new shortcuts [or reassign existing ones] in the Preferences > Shortcuts section.
Filter the list to make it easier to find what you want to shortcut to.
Note that some items might not appear on the list unless you have a particular context set before opening Preferences. For example, if you want to shortcut 'Reverse Face' or 'Orient Faces' [both of which are highly recommended by the way] then you need to have a face selected beforehand so the command appears in the list; and to shortcut to Explode something ensure something explode-able [e.g. a group] is selected beforehand [TIP: don't use X as that is expected in a copy-number entry [x3], and Ctrl+X=Edit>Cut [reserved] - so try say Shift+X etc]...
Think before overwriting the 'built-in' shortcuts - some, like Select=<spacebar>, are so useful [and obvious] that I see no good reason ever to change them. Also note how a few 'system-wide' shortcuts are not changeable - like Ctrl+C=Copy. -
There is a quick reference card with most of the standard shortcuts...
Thank you both - as ever, so very helpful. I spent ages yesterday serching the SU site for a list & didn't find anything!
Many thanks.