Can't Get Windows to Cut Through My Walls, Imported 3Ds?
I'm Importing a 3Ds House Model from Chief Architect, walls are made up of many layers, 6" thick. How do I cut component windows/doors all the way though my wall? I've also tried cutting out all but the interior and exterior surfaces, but still can't get components to cut through. And yes, I exploded everything. Is there anything else I need to do?I tried searching for this topic using terms like, windows, cut, thick walls and a host of others. Directing me to the correct search term would be great too.
Thank you very much for considering,
Zoe -
Sketchup components only cut a hole in the face onto which they are 'glued'.
Other faces in the wall behind are left unaffected.
My HolePunching tool used on a cutting component on a wall face will punch a hole with reveals through a double skinned wall. This hole then selects and moves with the punching-instance.
Taka2hata has a similar tool that might also punch through multiple skins but the hole is not linked to the cutting component...
Alternatively punch your own holes using the components outline copied onto the wall face and multiple PushPulls...
Incidentally why do you need so many hidden skins inside the wall that do nothing 'visually' but will clog up your model with lots of extra geometry etc... -
@tig said:
Incidentally why do you need so many hidden skins inside the wall that do nothing 'visually' but will clog up your model with lots of extra geometry etc...
This is how CA works. True that for SU, they are just useless (and painful) additions.
Zoe: are those inside panels on some separate layers? You could easily get rid of them if yes...
Thanks very much for a good answers once again.. I'll try, My Hole Punching Tool? Is it yours or is that what it's called--Ha.
Yes, I can cut out some of the layers before creating the 3Ds.
Cheers! zoe
"His" meaning he made/wrote the plugin.
If you can turn off some (irrelevant for SketchUp) layers in CA, that's the best. In SU, you can also delete layers - just make sure to select "delete content" when doing so. You could actually keep them in there and just hide but almost certainly you will not need them (unless you want to display a cross section of such a layered wall)