How to deform ovalish object
Scale tool by one direction ?
Draw a line with the good measure for snap on itAbout the close circle in the file you post
Just draw a diameter
That close it ! -
Yes In general drawing any line who close an "hole plane surface" close this surface an make it "physic"
I have not this tool
what is the meaning of S, H, G, W, E ,L, C ? -
I have this as point of start. I have changed the position of components (was incorrect) and height (radius is 23 cm , 0,23m ), I will rescale when the head will be done.
Well, here we go. I will start according the video frames.
I need to create the blue sphere, but I cannot success. The best result I got is the sphere on right! I cannot to get the edges to be exactly on the axis. I created 12x16 sphere, but as you can see, there is always one extra face on the axis! Please help.
The face modeling in SU looks prety simple, if you go according the frames from the video.
Pilou, that is the Pen Tool + as Gayieus recommended to me. See your link before. It is after the post when I said, I head dream about SU, that I was drawing soft lines directly. The shortcuts are S like soften edges, H like hidden edges... Guide, Weld, Edge, Line ...
In the last version of the file I uploded, there is the change. I did deleted the middle strip, and from the half I made component. According the frames from video, this fits:
See this:
It's exiting!
about your sphere 12*16
As the follow-me must have a segment perpendicular
And you don't have it with these number of arc segments!So you must make other thing
Like this you have a sphere 12 *16
I come back with the good image -
See above for your sphere 12 * 16 with the vertices on the axes
OK, I can use that technique next time. Right now, it is going well. I have finished the front (just basic shape).
Have you remark that the blue one is like Iron man!
Blue color of the skin? Or what?
I have found one complication. Because the scull if rounded - the faces are rounded. But the at front, there are two rectangles (vertically) - 1) nose and eye corner 2) month and chin ... and then he draw on this places he has them streight like rectangle. But I have to create triagles instead. So I separate every rectangle to 2 triangles. This slows down. If there would be any feature to simplify work - to make the 4 edges of rectangular parallel to create rectangle, then it would be much more simple. This takes a lot of time, still. I use construction lines, but they are from "From" view so they don't fit from Top down view. That also slows down the work. Many of zooming into very detail, then I place the starting point of new line onto edge (still in "From" view). Then zoom out "Zoom extents" then finish line.
I also found some 3D eye maybe in French? Now I moved one line to form eye whole and add the eyes. You can check. I will check the plugin sure.
I wanted to learn to draw, so this way of working with 3D modeling on simplified models, that's for me the right thing to learn to understand and remember human body proportions and perspective.
The video. This way of editing is very inaccurate. Even he did not use human photo. I would rather need plugin to simplify faces.So if you have triangles like that:
_______ | /| | / | | / | | / | | / | |/ | --------
I would hover over that those triangles, and then I would click force the edges to form rectangular. That would be really great simplification for that what I would like to. Because there are many rectangle shapes, on which you can draw next rectangle shapes. But I don't have that. I have triangles. And that s*ks..
Edit2: small in size, the eye is a very complex organ. The eye is approximately 1 inch (2.54 cm) wide, 1 inch deep and 0.9 inches (2.3 cm) tall.
The blue one was the primary form not subdivided
If you really stay with SU for modeling such thing i believe that you must use TT Vertex Tool by Thomthom !
About the eyes :
Structures Rayon de courbure antรฉrieur............. Rayon de courbure postรฉrieur
Cornรฉe ................... 7,8 mm................................................. 6,8 mm
Cristallin............ ...... 10 mm................................................... 6 mm -
Well this looks much more better. I corrected cheek bones, because the circle on right side keeps perfect geometry!
What i need correct now are the triangles right side around the eye. There must be vertical rectangles! (One big rectangle)
Interesting. But it has side effects. When I would like to reduce these two triangles to get skewed rectangle (one polygon), so it can not hold the bordering edges.
This is result:
So it just removed the border edges, instead, I would want first change the borders a litle bit to fix flat polygon. It looks that this plugin is not based that way, because they want to keep the original shape (?).
I did not tried the proj. plugin, but what does it mean to extrude segment? -
For reduce number of polygone by Whaat
For extrude a segment in any direction Projection by Didier Bur (last tool of the toolsbar)
@unknownuser said:
these two triangles to get skewed rectangle (one polygon)
You can't have a losange or a 4 segment surface so a polygon if these 2 triangles are not on the same plan!
You will have always 2 triangles! -
@unknownuser said:
what does it mean to extrude segment?
It mades that SU can't made with the native tools!
Very useful!
And works of course with multiple sรฉlection!So curves etc...
Here the vertical move but you can make any 360ยฐ !
PS and it's repeating! So new selection is the new position of the segment! etc...
If you want scale the segment draw another segment somewhere and scale the 2 segments in the same time
@unknownuser said:
You can't have a losange or a 4 segment surface so a polygon if these 2 triangles are not on the same plan!
You will have always 2 triangles!OK. then there could be solution to correct triangles which are created when you create some line. I will show image, what I mean, wait.
Maybe that is not good example...