Splat doing an offset
I have a comp that is Bug-Splatting every time I do an offset. As part of a larger model, I did a 1/4 in offset on a face, which worked as expected, but as soon as I move the cursor; Splat.
I did the very same offset on the opposite face successfully yesterday. It needed a bit of cleaning up (expected) in preparation for a push.
Now when I do the same face on the opposite part, it splats, whether in the model, as a separate copy in the model, or as an isolated comp in its own SU file (attached).
I'm posting a few annotated JPGs and the isolated problem SKP.
Hi Joel, I got it to work first time on the pro version by only selecting the lines to offset, then cleaning up. As the required offset is equal to the "clamp" thickness I thought it may be testing SU's logic to do a straight face offset.
Just a couple of general observations on your model:
- Your back and front face colour is white. Change the back colour and you will notice some faces that shouldn't be showing for a solid object.
- You have some hidden lines which should have been coplanar and deletable if you had modeled accurately.
Hope that helps.
Thanks ArCAD.
I've been having crashing problems in SU today in other areas as well. I haven't rebooted the PC to test, as I had some stuff to do and a reboot takes too long.
As for the white both sides, I have set it that way. A long time ago I just got PO'ed with SU arbitrarily setting face front/back. Anyway, I always set back and front the same texture, when the part is done. If I remember, I also orient faces as well. This part (when it is a solid) will have an aluminum texture.
As for hidden lines, SU seems to generate these in spades during an intersect operation. Sometimes, when I push a face out, then draw a circle on one, then push it to make a hole, the back side does not intersect properly. The circle shows, but the face has not been intersected. If I do an intersect with the face and the pushed circle, I get hidden lines all over the part, even unselected, un-intersected faces. Drives me nuts, as either I have to undo, then redo the circle push right through the face, or select all hidden lines and delete them.
If I push through, I then have to intersect again and that often generates the hidden lines again.
When I delete the hidden lines, often full faces that were OK before just vanish. It's as if the intersect operation literally moves lines around by a smidge, enough to throw out existing faces.When the part is finished I do a hidden line removal, so a few may be present during construction.
Anyway, as for this posted problem, I did the inside perimeter by hand and it worked ok.
I tried offset on some other face in the same part and no problem. -
@jgb said:
I've been having crashing problems in SU today in other areas as well. I haven't rebooted the PC to test, as I had some stuff to do and a reboot takes too long.
Make sure you submit them BugSplats so they are reported to the SketchUp team.
@thomthom said:
@jgb said:
I've been having crashing problems in SU today in other areas as well. I haven't rebooted the PC to test, as I had some stuff to do and a reboot takes too long.
Make sure you submit them BugSplats so they are reported to the SketchUp team.
Yup! 5 times with descriptions of what I was doing each time. No matches with the Bug database though.
Good. Just make sure to submit every one. The issue will peak up on their stats.
Tried to do an offset on a completely different part, same model, and SU just vanished, no BugSplat came up.
This has happened several times sometime before, but I just restarted SU and it sailed on with no problems.
I can't prove this yet, but SU seems a bit unstable since I loaded Simfonia. I'm not using SAT in that model, but it loads as a plugin in all sessions. I may "unload" SAT to see, if this crashing continues.
If you do not pre-select the face when doing the offset the crash does not happens.It is a known crash and hopefully we will address it soon.
@snicolo said:
If you do not pre-select the face when doing the offset the crash does not happens.It is a known crash and hopefully we will address it soon.
Good advice, however I have always preselected the face (habit) and as far as I can recall, SU never crashed before like this, until recently.
Also, lately, I've had 3+ "Splat-less" crashes just selecting other tools, last 2 were "Joint-push-pull".
In that case, I opened 2 SU sessions, copied the "problem" comp over, and it worked OK in session 2.
Copied back the edited comp and session 1 was normal since, even with JPP.Again, this crashing seems more prevalent when my models get well over 200,000 lines, but I also have a few very stable 500K+ models. And as I said before, it seems more prevalent since I installed Simfonia, but I haven't used SAT for several weeks, and never in those "splat-less" models.