SU 9 Wishlist
@thomthom said:
@andomar said:
Here :!category-topic/sketchup/feature-suggestions/cqdbwirP_T8
And you did read the explanation to why they are not focusing on 64bit? As they try to explain, 64bit doesn't magically makes applications go faster. All it means is that it can address more memory. And I have never seen SketchUp ever run out of memory. Only times the SketchUp process has run out of memory has been when using render engines which runs inside SketchUp instead of spawning their own separate one. And that's really a design issue with the render application, not SketchUp.
As Jason explains there, it's better to ask what you really want instead of guessing on technical implementations. Leave the technical implementation to the developers.Let's take a look at exploding or terrain creation for instance. Now those procedures knock SU out. Wouldn't 64bit architecture solve the bottle neck? (when I make 'mesh attaching' in Max 64bit for example (no mention 'bout heavy vray rendering) it really eats huge amount of RAM)
(me by no means a teck geek so I really wonder) -
@rv1974 said:
@thomthom said:
@andomar said:
Here :!category-topic/sketchup/feature-suggestions/cqdbwirP_T8
And you did read the explanation to why they are not focusing on 64bit? As they try to explain, 64bit doesn't magically makes applications go faster. All it means is that it can address more memory. And I have never seen SketchUp ever run out of memory. Only times the SketchUp process has run out of memory has been when using render engines which runs inside SketchUp instead of spawning their own separate one. And that's really a design issue with the render application, not SketchUp.
As Jason explains there, it's better to ask what you really want instead of guessing on technical implementations. Leave the technical implementation to the developers.Let's take a look at exploding or terrain creation for instance. Now those procedures knock SU out. Wouldn't 64bit architecture solve the bottle neck?
Explode is terrible slow - agree. But I've never seen it crash due to that. 64bit really means nothing more than being able to address more memory. Being able to address more memory doesn't mean more speed. In fact, you double the size of the data and switching to 63bit over 32bit might make things slower.
I don't know why people keep thinking 64bit as a magic bullet for anything - but unless the application is running out of memory it's no point asking for it.Instead it's best to leave it to the developers of the application. Your example of Explode is a good one: Ask for better performance when exploding geometry - leave the technical implementation to the developers who knows the complexity of the SketchUp source code and platform. If you just ask for 64bit when you really mean faster explode performance they'll never guess where to improve it. If there where to implement 64bit explode would still be as disappointed.
The slowness of explode I think has something to do with how SketchUp merges geometry. Whenever you explode it needs to compare every entity with every other in the context and compare for intersection and merge etc. Whatever they can do to improve that is something only they know as it involves the inner working of the SketchUp engine.
@rv1974 said:
(when I make 'mesh attaching' in Max 64bit for example
mesh attachment in Max is fast in 32bit as well. But remember that Max doesn't merge and intersect mesh automatically like SketchUp does. In Max you need to weld the mesh together manually. It's a very different animal in terms of how it manages and deals with geometry. Also remember that SketchUp also has it inference engine and always tries to render the viewport in it's sketchy style - while Max quickly degrades the viewport and it's not as much as a WYSIWYG viewport as SU is. SketchUp is doing a whole lot of work automatically which many other modelling applications doesn't.
@rv1974 said:
(no mention 'bout heavy vray rendering) it really eats huge amount of RAM)
Render engines of course benefits from 64bit - but not in speed. Just being able to address that much data so it doesn't crash. But SketchUp render engines can make use of 64bit - as long as they create their own process outside the SketchUp process. That's a technical implementation and design that only they are responsible for - not SketchUp.
Interesting that you have to drag up a two year old thread from when SU was under Google to prejudge Trimble's development plans which are as yet unknown! If SU is holding you back go buy something else that does the job.
Want Split Screen Operations, such as in blender? I guess with Split Screen Trimble could invest some huge $$$$.
Not that again. Sheesh! There's absolutely no need for multiple screens as in Blender. This as been discussed multiple times over the years.
@dave r said:
Not that again. Sheesh! There's absolutely no need for multiple screens as in Blender. This as been discussed multiple times over the years.
My bad, I thought it comming...
I actally wan't another window: ["window/another view" menu item], which will open and let you place it, move-it, size it, such as standard tool window. In another window I want to be able to orbit, move and zoom camera, but without being let to make modifications, nor select anything. Just, a window where you could see from another viewpoint. Plus, an API to that where you can set camera pos, direction, fov... I don't think that this will require modifying the standard SU class. Its not a pain of work
You could just set a scene on the view you're working on then spin the model as you wish and when done you can go back to exactly where you were with one click?
You can turn off the "animation" transition between scenes so you get an almost instant jump between views if that helps?
@arcad-uk said:
You can turn off the "animation" transition between scenes so you get an almost instant jump between views if that helps?
THks, but I'm not a noob with that
I jst planned to create a multiplayer game at Sketchy Physics, with two viewpoints. -
@desertraven said:
I still want a constraint override button or keyboard shortcut and Object Snap Options! (also fix that center snap I'm tired of hovering)
came in here to post exactly this.
@thomthom said:
Explode is terrible slow - agree. But I've never seen it crash due to that.
I have, on numerous occasions, had crashes when exploding heavy geometry like imported high quality furniture.
For the VR apartment I posted a while ago I had to separate the apartment into ten different SU models with up the four models/ scenes per room.
Another strangeness often seem to appear when having heavy models in SU is that upon save or sometimes just by closing a group it often unsmoothes random parts of the model.
Memory issues?I'm not wishing for a 64 bit version to gain speed. I just want SU to be able to handle bigger/heavier scenes.
"Last tool / menu item" command.
One key zoom out increment (jump back ) command (not Extents, not scrolling). -
There are no cylinder, cube, pyramid, sphere exc. I try to draw them but it gets my time. All the 3d programs have them. If sketchup means easy draw then have to be in Sketchup.
And the interface must be changed. Because when i open the program it looks like a child program. It must be like proffesional.
And the other wishes: Curve and
I want to move the vertex easily. I don't want to need the plugin for it. -
@pixero said:
Memory issues?
Only way to tell is monitor the memory usage when it crashes. It could a number of other reasons.
@a_iverson said:
There are no cylinder, cube, pyramid, sphere exc. I try to draw them but it gets my time. All the 3d programs have them. If sketchup means easy draw then have to be in Sketchup.
Save yourself some time and add the ones you made to your own library. The reason you may not find them included is the way SU works with curves, or rather lack of, as everything is created with straight lines. Not a problem if you accept the limitations but the resolution of a curve can have a big impact on model size and processing speed.
@a_iverson said:
And the interface must be changed. Because when i open the program it looks like a child program. It must be like proffesional.
I quite like the icons for their clarity of function, but you never know, under Trimble they MAY be refreshed soon. -
I would find it helpful if the language can be changed on the fly...
(I normally use the german version and if I want to answer a question in the forum, I have to search the right english description) -
I'd like to see Photoshop-like actions to cut down some boring\tedious\time consuming procedures. -
If you have a copy of version7, you can copy the Component folder and place it in Version 8. This assumes that Sketchup 8 does not have these primitives? The only primitive not available is apparently Cylinder. In my copy of V8 in Draw menu is a command called Box, but it is inserted at a preset size as a group. EditGroup measure an edge, see size in VCB, input new value, and the box is resized independent of other stuff. -
Preference / Extensions:
I never heard or understood what the Preference / Extensions is there for. We need to use it to activate some plugins but not others. The window is ridiculously tiny (on Mac) requiring scrolling and you cannot view at glance what is ON or OFF. And as for a lot of SU, 'alphanumeric" is a lost art.
The addition of .rbz installation is good; but placed as it is here, I am sure it is confusing to many people.
Maybe someone can explain that.
I wish this were made more robust, or eliminated altogether. Why do we have to load some plugins and not others? For that manner a proper (full screen-able) plugin browser where all plugins could be loaded, or unloaded, check for update, show icons (if applicable), show location in menu (like the Help function), show in folder etc. would be best. (Would improve over the "View / Tool Palette" drop down as well.)
And some way of requiring that all plugins have icons / bars, that can be hidden while loaded
would be great. I know that isn't big for Windows, but the mess icons make on a Mac would be helped.