TOS not working with SU8
Odd, mine works. (PC/SU8 Free)
I have SU8-pro installed and My TOS is working just fine, but my component menu is acting strange. Maybe there are some plugin and ruby interactions going on?
I do know that IRender has what Al Hart said is a hiccup due to some ruby changes, which they are correcting this next few days.
no error here either
Strange. Must be a conflict somewhere. I guess I'll have to remove and replace one at a time to find out.
i have the same TOS superclass error plus the shapes.rb is giving me a superclass error on Dome class. I noticed several plugins had load errors in SU8 which did not show up in SU7 and I corrected them - one has (test ? something , something) which I replaced the comma with a colon and it worked ok... maybe the loading process is more strict in SU8?
yes - the Ruby version in SU8 was updates so it's more strict now. Most plugins work fine, some needs some minor tweaks. Odd that some are getting errors for TOS and some doesn't...
hmm... Jim mentioned he wasn't getting any load errors...
I think somewhere in TOS there are two TOSToolLine classes being defined...
Error Loading File C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/TOS_Dir_16/__loader.rb
superclass mismatch for class TOSToolLine
Error Loading File ZLoader__OnSurface.rb
superclass mismatch for class TOSToolLineI need to scan my directory and see where this is being defined...
ok, I found it. some left over *OnSurface.rb files which I thought I had deleted from the main plugins directory...
Dome turned out to be a leftover from dome.rb versus the shapes.rb...
Clearly SU8 is scrutinizing for duplicate class definitions (a good thing?).
@thomthom said:
............ Odd that some are getting errors for TOS and some doesn't...
hmm... Jim mentioned he wasn't getting any load errors...
Attached is my start up screen - no error notices and I have a lot of plugins. I have a problem with the IRenderNxt but the messages only showed up when I tried to open the renderer on the ruby consol.
Fixed mine as well. I had an EraserOnSurface.rb left over from one of Fredo's early releases. SU8 doesn't like an untidy plugins folder apparently.
Now if I can just get RPtools working...
@gullfo said:
Dome turned out to be a leftover from dome.rb versus the shapes.rb...
Thanks. This helped a lot. I had the error for quite some time now. I took out the dome.rb from the plugin folder, restarted SU and the error was fixed.