Smooth edge angle value
Hi, I have a question about soften edges value. Is there a way to see an angle between faces that share a selected edge. I know that values for soft and smooth are true and false, but when you select an soothened edge, value in the soften edges window is default (or previuosly used value). Obviously SU calculates the value since moving the slider over the limit value changes the smooth to true or false. It would be nice if entity window had a field which would show the angle. Since it does not, is there a plugin that would show this value?
This one-liner copy/pasted into the Ruby Console + <enter> will return the angle [in degrees] between any two selected faces [just preselect 2 faces before using it]
You can use it to form the basis of a tool...
You could have the tool let the user pick 2 faces instead of the s[0] & s[1] and a dialog shows the angle, or pick an edge and if theedge.faces.length==2
use those two faces instead where 'edge' iss[0]
then usea=s[0].faces[0].normal.angle_between(s[0].faces[1].normal).radians