Hello again all. It's been a while. I've come seeking the wisdom of the sages. My question is: Why would sketchup give me a volume that is nowhere NEAR what it really is??? Here's the situation: I have a solid that measures 6719.228 sq. ft. on a face. It's 6" deep. That SHOULD give me a volume of 40,315.368 cubic feet. When I do a entity info on it, it says it's only 3359.614 cubic feet. WHY??? ANY thoughts would be welcome.
it's right.
multiply the face area by .5 (6" or 1/2 a foot deep)your calculation is as if the thing were 6 feet deep instead of 6"
(ie. if it were 1' deep then it would be 6719 cu/ft... you want half that amount because it's 6" deep)
(Sigh) I'm an idiot. Thanks. I kept think of it as "6" instead of .5
lol.. you know, it's not too late in the day (u.s east coast) to use the morning excuse..
"oh.. yeah.. right.. whatever, it's still morning"
I probably use that one 4 days a week
You guys should turn to metric, really.
I've been to five stores in this Louisiana heat looking for 5mm machine screws - 30mm long, and haven't found any. Had to order them and it will be next Friday before they arrive
We're a long way from metric around here.
The US is inching towards becoming metric...
You have always had 'metric' decimal money, car-engines' are measured in 'cc' [cubic-cms], the military measure horizontal distances in 'meters' [but vertical in 'feet' like all international aircraft!], and you buy cola/juice it's in 'liters' and wine is bottle in metric sizes, nutrition values on food labeling are all in metric units, photography is metric [35mm etc], even bullets come in metric sizes...