Plugins Issue
Hi Guys,
My HD failed. I've reinstalled Sketchup PRO 8.0.14345 (on a SSD if that makes any difference).
Ever since then SUpodium doesn't show up although its clearly in the plugins folder. I've downloaded some more ruby script files and they don't show up in sketch up either.
Any idea what could be causing this - I've reinstalled several times now. Driving me mad.Thanks
What Plugins folder ?
On a MAC it must the root Mac'HD one, and NOT the 'User' one ??
Open your Window > Ruby Console and type [or copy/paste] this:
It should return the path to the Plugins folder.
Also type in:
to see all of the paths to the folders it's using to auto-load from - it's typically the Plugins folder and the Tools folder [which is reserved for 'system' plugins]; if you are getting complex toolsets auto-loading then there might be additional folder paths adding by them too... -
Thanks for your reply. Yes its a Mac and yes the plugins folder is the HD one.
I don't use sketch up everyday - as and when in certain projects - however now reading what you've put I've noticed that I don't have a Ruby console under Window>Ruby Console@tig said:
What Plugins folder ?
On a MAC it must the root Mac'HD one, and NOT the 'User' one ??
Open your Window > Ruby Console and type [or copy/paste] this:
It should return the path to the Plugins folder.
Also type in:
to see all of the paths to the folders it's using to auto-load from - it's typically the Plugins folder and the Tools folder [which is reserved for 'system' plugins]; if you are getting complex toolsets auto-loading then there might be additional folder paths adding by them too... -
Here is a pic
Apparently the 'Console' might appear under Tools on a MAC [OSX] and not under Windows as on a PC - perhaps my mistake ?
However, if it's still not there...
Here's one possible reason
@unknownuser said:...When I started SU on my Macbook, the expected "Ruby Console" menu item did not appear at all in the Tools menu.
...The problem is that the installed resources and ruby files have capitalization that is different from what the installed ruby scripts use.
For example, sketchup.rb looks for "gettingstarted.strings", but units.rb (and others)
look for "GettingStarted.strings".
If you chose to install OS X as a "case-sensitive file-system", this won't work.A workaround is to patch up all of these ruby files to use the names with the correct capitalization.
Change those and the Ruby Console will work again.
Also see here!category-topic/sketchup/sketchup/mY_L8Xoe-Jk
However, it's mad to use a case-sensitive file set up on a MAC - a PC expects 'file' OR 'File' to be the same file, if you set you MAC up the 'Unix' way you can have two files in the same folder named 'file' AND 'File' - confusion reigns...Do you get the 'Plugins' ['plugins'?] path with the code I posted ??
Ruby Console on Mac ( Lion ) under Window, or should be.
Hey TIG,
Many thanks for your help - that was the issue - a case sensitive HD. Not sure why that happened but probably my fault.
Anyhow I've re-formatted drive and redistilled everything over the weekend and all working fine now.Many thanks for your help.
Much appreciated.
@mwm5053 said:
Ruby Console on Mac ( Lion ) under Window, or should be.
Thanks for your input.
Ruby Console is showing up where you've mentioned now I resolved the other problem.
@cameleyes said:
Hey TIG,
Many thanks for your help - that was the issue - a case sensitive HD. Not sure why that happened but probably my fault.
Anyhow I've re-formatted drive and redistilled everything over the weekend and all working fine now.Many thanks for your help.
Much appreciated.
ugh.. good thing you caught onto it now (the HD was still basically fresh).. but yeah, always use the default formatting options with OSX unless you deliberately want to (and know the reasoning behind) make a case sensitive drive..