Blingcrete Render?
well, i just gave it a try, but's doing the exact opposite i want it to
i attach the render, separate vismat file, and the whole scene, if anyone wants to try to tweak my work, feel free.
note: i've used TexGrid instead of the 'proper' honeycomb texture that is on the original image, thinking that i can switch all TexGrid instances for textures once i got the effect right.
Perhaps this.
You can download over 3000+ vfsu materials for free here but pls donate. And for less then 150++ he will ship a CD to your House containing
all materials. -
hi fuzzion,
that looks quite goood. however, i can't seem to find that material at the site you provided; any clue, where to search? or could you zip & upload it here?
@eidam655 said:
hi fuzzion,
that looks quite goood. however, i can't seem to find that material at the site you provided; any clue, where to search? or could you zip & upload it here?
I dont have permission to re-upload. But its here
You can play around with the bump mapping to get different results.
You could send him the texture and he may make something for you. His quite the
wiz-kid when it comes to VFSU materials. -
i guess the author of this thread does not come here very often
anyway, i've been trying to get around it, so i picked up on some reading about what it actually is and how it works...
(moar references here and here )first info:
@unknownuser said:
BlingCrete is a form of retroreflectiveconcrete that reflects light rays falling it back in the direction of their source - it is an optical phenomenon that is used, for example, for road markings. Here, retroreflection arises by integrating micro-spheres of glass into the surface of the concrete
quick search on 'retroreflection' on wikipedia reveals some very interesting facts to me:
@unknownuser said:
A retroreflector (...) is a device or surface that reflects light back to its source
@unknownuser said:
Cat's eye
[...] This same effect can be optimally achieved with a single transparent sphere when the refractive index of the material is exactly two times the refractive index of the medium from which the radiation is incident. In that case, the sphere surface behaves as a concave spherical mirror with the required curvature for retroreflection. The refractive index need not be twice the ambient but can be anything exceeding 1.5 times as high; due to spherical aberration, there exists a radius from the centerline at which incident rays are focused at the center of the rear surface of the sphere.
so i decided to model the whole thing, and so far here's what i've come up with. according to wikipedia's description it should be correctly set up, but it still doesn't look like on the pictures; although i've only tried it only with sunlight and not artificial light sources... anyway, i feel like i'm one step closer (to the truth of this material's behavior).
my progress so far in attachments.
@eidam655 said:
i guess the author of this thread does not come here very often
so i decided to model the whole thing, and so far here's what i've come up with. according to wikipedia's description it should be correctly set up, but it still doesn't look like on the pictures; although i've only tried it only with sunlight and not artificial light sources... anyway, i feel like i'm one step closer (to the truth of this material's behavior).
my progress so far in attachments.
I cant breach copyright laws
When you are modelling, stick to bump mapping to reduce render time. And when you have something so small it may be possible to get away with noise bump and create the same effect. But that depends on what you are achieving for the final render.
PS. Why dont you start a new thread titled "Texture map help needed"
well at first i wanted to get the material 'correctly,' so i know how to simulate it later on with displacement/texture effects.
@fuzzion said:
PS. Why dont you start a new thread titled "Texture map help needed"
...because this is still relevant to the original post. he asks "Anyone ever attempted to render some BLINGCRETE?" and i don't suppose many people did, so when i continue posting here either i'll get it right or someone else comes along and helps with the material in question.