Useful graphic apps
GPS looks pretty good!
GIMP Paint Studio..... watch out Artrage!
Only played a little so far but pretty neat!
- topic:timeago-later,5 months
Make woodfloor textures yourself with the great free: "Floor Texture Generator" by Martin Chudomel.
Max texture size is 2000x2000 pixels.
Output is not tiling so you'll have to fix that in Photoshop.To see what can be done here's one I've made: -
@pixero said:
Make woodfloor textures yourself with the great free: "Floor Texture Generator" by Martin Chudomel.
Max texture size is 2000x2000 pixels.
Output is not tiling so you'll have to fix that in Photoshop.To see what can be done here's one I've made: app couldnt come at a better time, its perfect, thanks Pixero, great find
- topic:timeago-later,8 months
Bumping an old but useful thread:
MyPaint Windows/Linux and a bunch of free brushes. I like the minimalist interface.
I found this today, Krita by Calligra;a group dedicated to producing free software...
Very nice UI and all the bells and Whistles you'd expect! -
@escapeartist said:
Bumping an old but useful thread:
MyPaint Windows/Linux and a bunch of free brushes. I like the minimalist interface.
bumping it just in time for a new release, EscapeArtist... - topic:timeago-later,about a year
Just saw this:
This is not Adobe LightRoom, but veeeeerry handy and easy to use and free!
Best -
bricksntiles -
Verve by Taron free only for PC for the moment!
- topic:timeago-later,5 months
Has CrazyBump been mentioned?
Thank you !
Thanks Michal for SculptGL link.
@krisidious said:
Has CrazyBump been mentioned?
I'm not sure if that app is still relevant, when last was it updated? Also $299, wowzers - I'm sure I've seen some free (or much cheaper apps) that will do the same.
@juju said:
I'm not sure if that app is still relevant, when last was it updated?
Gotta agree with that.
I use Knald....
Sorry, I don't use it myself... I don't render or post process so... I'm not in the know. Just remembered it wowing me years ago. Didn't know they wanted a pound of flesh for it.
@krisidious said:
Sorry, I don't use it myself... I don't render or post process so... I'm not in the know. Just remembered it wowing me years ago. Didn't know they wanted a pound of flesh for it.
Don't be sorry, still a worthwhile contribution, either way.
- topic:timeago-later,6 months
Krita has been mentioned before, but somehow lost on the thread. It has completely replaced my long years using Gimp. It's also free but way more advanced. Gimp has a lot of plugins, but Krita is way better.
Krita is:
- primarly a digital painting with a lot of brushes and an amazing and customizeable brushing system;
- Brushes can also be used for clone/heal and everything can be configured to the smallest detail;
- Non destructive layers for: Masks, Tone mapping and transformation effects.
- And what unbelievable transformation effects you can get on those layers (I still can't believe they are non destructive);
- Also if you replace the base layer image it applies the transformation/tonemapping effects to the new base image;
- It is perfectly capable of all the color, levels, curves, saturation adjustments and tone mapping on images up to 32-bits.
It has it's flaws and there's things that take a bit getting used to. But I recommend it to anyone dealing with digital images...