Hyperbolic Paraboloid Help
Hey all. This is probably my first time posting, but I've been viewing these forums for awhile. Great community
However, I've come across a problem I'm not sure how to tackle. I need to make a Hyperbolic Paraboloid shape in sketchup, with a tesselated surface. I've got the shape down by watching some videos on youtube, however the pattern has me a bit stumped =/. To be specific, I need to make this shape as seen in this origami video:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It's easiest with a script - BUT you could cross-stitch all of the edges between faces manually...
Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. I would fold where the dotted lines are to get the tessellation?
I have the shape already, I was just wondering if there was a way to get the rippled pattern along the shape,
so it looks like the origami -
Tessellations are to do with 'tiling' not 'ribs'...
If you want to add 'ribs along the sections in one direction I suggest you erase any cross-edges so you end up with a set of 'ribs' running across [EEbyRailToLattice has this option built-in], then make faces the profile of the 'rib' you want and use followme along each rib...
EEbyRailsByFace will also do this for you... -
Try the free Membranes24 "on line"
export in DXF so you can reload it in SU[flash=420,315:ilfeu85l]http://www.youtube.com/v/ANGvZNspfAQ[/flash:ilfeu85l]
Thanks for the help so far, the membranes24 site is a good place to have bookmarked, however
the problem I'm having isn't with making the hyperbolic paraboloid itself, but the tessellation
or pattern that goes over it. From looking at Membranes24, I'm not sure it can help in that
respect.If I understand TiG's latest post correctly, I'm going to have to make a "skeleton" of the tesselation I want,
and then make faces in between the "bones?" I'll have to check out the "EEByRailToLattice"
plugin you mentioned.Sorry if I'm coming across as ignorant, but I guess when it comes to something like this in
sketchup, I am =[.Here's a few images to illustrate what I'm trying to do.
If I can get the pattern on just one of these Paraboloids, It'll better define the shadows outside and within the structure.
So I've downloaded TiG's extrude tools, and I've been trying to get them to work, however I actually have no idea... is there a .. tutorial or video? I checked the aforementioned thread that TiG had in his post, however I just found one video that didn't explain too well how these plugins work together. It was my understanding I could just make a pattern for the ribs and go from there, but it seems that's not the case?
Very cool tut!
Just is missing the possibility for the "extrude by rail" to take only one rail and take or not a profil melding endFor that just click again on the first rail (as second) and click again the first profil (as end)
Do I get one of these?
An oscar ?
Ok that is!