Re: Some Funny Pics.
I am guessing this was not a private school.
Private schools can often be even worse as "paying" parents think that "the customer is always right".
Hmmm. It says it may contain quartz. But those look like pints.
Well #6 is just common sense.
Woody and Buzz
I am glad that somebody else gets to look that stuff up
@unknownuser said:
Happy Presidents Day to one and all!! -- It's the Canadian side of Mt. Rushmore! heheeeee!!!! [Okay, this is just a wee bit cheeky and no disrespect to the brilliant presidents over the years! Uhm, can't say I spotted this in all my years in Canada?! Any Canucks seen this?
Oh hell yeah. But it is impossible to get to because of the tremendous winds that come down off the mountain
For Mac users
Bob -
@gaieus said:
@unknownuser said:
Happy Presidents Day to one and all!! -- It's the Canadian side of Mt. Rushmore! heheeeee!!!! [Okay, this is just a wee bit cheeky and no disrespect to the brilliant presidents over the years! Uhm, can't say I spotted this in all my years in Canada?! Any Canucks seen this?
Actually this was done as an old Don Martin Mad Magazine add about 40 years ago. . .
On Thursday Afternoon over Mount Rushmore.
Tour Guide: Millions have been stared in Wonder that is the majesty of Mount Rushmore, but average Tourist seldom has the opportunity to behold the most awe-inspiring aspect of this national treasure. . .