What happens when....
Sorry but I go backward 20Km/h to the toilets
Well, I've made some presumptions...
Firstly I'm in a train travelling in the direction of the earths rotation. So I used simple addition
1,670km/h + 250 + 10
What if the train falls into the hole and you run upwards. Does the train then fall faster?
@gaieus said:
Yes. I do not even belive that Aussies do not fall off the planet.
Thanks Rich... THANKS A LOT!!! Now everybody know how to get here!!! I was hoping it was going to be kept a secret.
The centerline-tunnel 'to Australia' adjunct to the original question is based on something of a false premise - see this http://www.freemaptools.com/tunnel-to-other-side-of-the-earth.htm
If the tunnel has one end in Australia, and passes through the center of the Earth then the other end is in the Atlantic Ocean [although you could contrive it to be on one of the small islands somewhere near the center?]. Chances are you tunnel will flood... which raises an interesting question, because we showed that 'you' falling through the hole would not come out in Australia, settling around the center after a lot of oscillating about it... BUT 'water-finds-its-own-level' and would it not therefore fill the hole from rim to rim? Thus making a very deep salt-water lake in Australia [ignoring the heat/boiling issues etc as last time...]Using the map provided in the link you can see that making a centerline-tunnel linking two major population centers is quite difficult, because all of the flippin' water about ! It's limited to say Beijing and Buenos Aires, Saigon and Lima, Lisbon and Auckland, parts of Indonesia and northern South America etc... but the USA misses almost everywhere except for Hawaii which hits somewhere in southern Africa!
If you were to go 'off-center' so as to link specific places, then you'll start to 'scrape' down the walls of the tunnel as you fall further in, as the Earth's center of gravity will exert an uneven pull off to the side nearest the 'core'. -
@tig said:
Note: if you were agile enough... on the first 'fall', just as you approached the other end and slowed to a standstill you could 'grapple' onto the tunnel's wall just below the rim, so with a little climbing 'up' you could pop out at the other end... but I suspect you'd be a bit knackered by then [if not dead] !!!
There must be easier way to get to Oz
@mike lucey said:
@tig said:
Note: if you were agile enough... on the first 'fall', just as you approached the other end and slowed to a standstill you could 'grapple' onto the tunnel's wall just below the rim, so with a little climbing 'up' you could pop out at the other end... but I suspect you'd be a bit knackered by then [if not dead] !!!
There must be easier way to get to Oz
Well it'd be better than flying 'Ryan Air' - where you'd fit in the seats better if you had both legs amputated and have to pay to use the loo -
There was talk of it - just one loo per plane [so extra seats] and changing Β£1 to use it - but I'm not sure that they ever implemented it fully...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelnews/4861505/Ryanair-may-charge-1-for-toilet-use.html -
I understand that they do not supply (free) beverages and food and I would even support this on other flights to keep costs lower but charging for the loo is too much. And one loo per plane? What if someone has constipation (or diarrhea)?
Completely OT...but funny anyway.
So back on-topic; ponder what would happen if the moon suddenly disappeared.
Oooh, good one!
Tides would stop?
That would be just the start of our problems. It exerts a gyroscopic stabilizing effect.
Well, I'd imagine the missing stabilizing effect would cause our orbit to shift, maybe even lose orbit completely. This could mean our rotation is affected which affects everything. Having no tides has a huge wildlife impact.
You've just wiped us out Alan....well done
It's an interesting one though as I scurry off to google the answer
@tig said:
If you were to go 'off-center' so as to link specific places, then you'll start to 'scrape' down the walls of the tunnel as you fall further in, as the Earth's center of gravity will exert an uneven pull off to the side nearest the 'core'.
... and don't forget about conservation of angular momentum.
If the tunnel is not collinear with Earth axis of rotation, any object falling through the tunnel will be inevitably pushed against wall of the tunnel.
This effect will be strongest in a tunnel perpendicular to the equator. -
Assuming that we are not falling through solid air...
The air pressure should be around 1.88*10^11 bar, that is either super critical or solid, I couldn't figure that out:
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=phase+diagram+of+air -
@mike lucey said:
@tig said:
Note: if you were agile enough... on the first 'fall', just as you approached the other end and slowed to a standstill you could 'grapple' onto the tunnel's wall just below the rim, so with a little climbing 'up' you could pop out at the other end... but I suspect you'd be a bit knackered by then [if not dead] !!!
There must be easier way to get to Oz
Go via Indonesia, guys. There is a huge industry of smugglers taking thousands of refugees from the Middle East to Asia and put them on rickety old boat and send them our way..... they get intercepted by Border Control and sent to Christmas Island [detention Centre] for processing [which by the way costs the Australian tax payer millions each year!] and in time they get bought in the back door.....
The previous government had the right idea but when this bloody Labor government came to power they relaxed the policy and HELLO!!!, the boats came a sailin....
Everytime I see you talk about Oz politics I'm reminded of this...
How long would it actually take an object to get through? Shouldn't the trajectory be bent a little if you take in account the gravitational force of the moon? If there was a solar eclipse on the other end of the hole, would that be enough to get you through? If one end is in an ocean and the other on land, wouldn't that make a one heck of a whirlpool and a geyser?
@aerilius said:
Assuming that we are not falling through solid air...
The air pressure should be around 1.88*10^11 bar, that is either super critical or solid, I couldn't figure that out:
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=phase+diagram+of+airapparently this is a frictionless medium (considering the speed with which Rich dismissed my answer
) also perfectly aligned to negate rotational forces, etc.