Autosave renders with incrementing filename?
i know that it's possible to set up VRay to autosave a render to a specified file. the problem is that it keeps overwriting the file with each new render.
is there any option in VRay (or any workaround in the form of script) to save every render with an incrementing filename? this way you could also watch the progress you are making; i think this would be a useful feature.
i know that you can check 'include frame number in filename' option, but when rendering more stills (and not an animation) the file written stays 'autosave.0000.png' and doesn't solve the issue.
thanks for any answers,
~eidam -
I assume you mean when using the animation trick to render multiple scenes in a SU file? If yes, then you must make sure that Include Frame Number is checked. This will add the 0000 to the file name.
no, that's exactly what i'm not asking
(although i have been trying to resolve the issue in another thread, about this time last year.)
what i would want is this: i press the render button and if i hit Esc (which should stop the rendering process) or the render finishes, it saves the render (or whatever is in the framebuffer at the moment of cancellation) to a previously specified folder with a name for example autosave0000.png. then when i hit render again (to see how my material changed), the file saved would be autosave0001.png.
or it could use a timestamp or i don't know what.
hm, but i guess this is a work for a separate script, rather than a matter of settings in vray...