SU V 8 & VRayForSketchUp-1.49.01-windows-
I am Using:
SU V 8 & VRayForSketchUp-1.49.01-windows-I have read every thread I could find on here, the vray manual, and more about placing a background image and no matter what I do in the environment , GI, and more I can get a back ground image to show up. All I want is a fairly clear sky with some stars.
Please help. This has been the hardest thing to figure out in this plugin.Thanks so much.
you can achieve this with either a (preferably HDRI-) image of a night sky in your environment slots (background slot) or by rendering at night time with normal sky and then adding the stars in post pro
I would do it in post. It's way more flexible. I usually use a dusk HDRI and turn it down and then in post make my own sky and glowing stars. This site has tremendous free HDRIs for night scenes. These guys have saved me more than once.
10 Free HDRI Spherical Skies Maps for Image Based Lighting Rendering
10 FREE HDRI SPHERICAL SKIES MAPS and an Introduction to Image Based Lighting in Architectural Visualization using 360 Spherical HDRI Skies for rendering
Ronen Bekerman - 3D Architectural Visualization & Rendering Blog (