[Plugin] angle between planes
A simple little plugin that tells you the angle between two planes. Just right click on an edge that joins two faces. If there is exactly one edge selected, and that edge bounds exactly two faces, then a menu item will appear to calculate the angle between the two face planes. The intended use is for woodworkers dealing with compound joinery: this is the angle you set your saw bevel to. But there might be some general appeal as well, so I'm posting it. CB.
Update 3/7/09:
Got a great suggestion to simply display the angle right in the context menu, and skip the message box entirely. Also added the supplement of the angle when over 90 degrees.
Arigatou Gozaimasu, Bremer-san.
Already tested it, and works good. Trying to measure such angles with the protractor is awkward.
Thank you for that Clark.
Handy, thanks.
Very useful. Thanks
Many thanks. I was trying to set up a compound saw cut. I had succeeded only after spending a great deal of time drawing various perpendicular lines and extra planes. Your plugin gave me an immediate answer (the same one, thankfully) in a moment.
I've installed the plugin but I can't seem to find it in google sketchup
where would i find it?
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@robigoekru said:
Is this extension no longer valid?
I just tried it in SketchUp 2023 and it works fine. No reason to think it won't work in SketchUp 2017 Make.