[Plugin] Component Edit Window v1.3 12072011
Sorry Jeff... It's not my baby and I have a zillion other things to do... I think we stick here for now
@tig said:
Sorry Jeff... It's not my baby and I have a zillion other things to do... I think we stick here for now
nah.. it's all good..
i'll make a macro later today that does this so i can try out it's functionality in real world use.. i'll post my thoughts on it afterwards -
I've made several adjustments to the code, so it should now run on MAC OK.
Here's v1.3 http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=296715#p296715Please remove all earlier versions from your Plugins folder...
hey Tig,
it's getting close..
the new window open's with the component exploded and it's ready to edit..the problem now is getting it back into the original window.. saving the EDIT and closing does nothing.. (and i tried all sorts of different ways of closing the window and saving..)
there is a file being created at:
/private/var/folders/yn/jr1p5r352bb_031xsl6c3r7c0000gn/T/testbox-EDIT_WINDOW.skpso that part is working.. i did notice that upon saving i also had a file in the same location named testbox-EDIT_WINDOW~.skp
the tilde ~ represents a backup .skp on mac (we don't have .skb)...
so i turned off my backup preference meaning the original testbox-EDIT_WINDOW.skp would be overwritten with the new edits upon saving but still no luck..not sure how you're going to figure this one out for mac -without having a mac to test on - since we have only the one instance of sketchup open at any given time..
i did make a macro that does what this script is doing and it turned out pretty cool.. I'm not sure how much i'll use it but i can see the benefit..
i'm sure it's a bit more primitive than ruby.. mostly just uses keystrokes/menu items but it's fast and works well.. -
It'd be easy to remove the ~.SKP [MAC-SKB] file, just as the SKB is removed on the PC...
BUT when you Save the EDIT_WIDOW version it should auto-close and the other original SKP window underneath should be still open and a dialog pop up asking you if you want to update the Component.
On OK it updates it and the temp SKP/SKB are removed from the temp folder...
If you just Close the EDIT_WINDOW version then you should just revert to the original SKP window underneath it, with not changes or prompts and the temp files removed.
What's happening on your MAC ?
Does the original window stay open ?
On a PC the second SKP opens an 'edit' window above the original... -
@tig said:
It'd be easy to remove the ~.SKP [MAC-SKB] file, just as the SKB is removed on the PC...
What's happening on your MAC ? It's Group#[*]~.skp in -TMP- folder and on save then makes Group#[*].skp also in -TMP- folder.
Neither are 'purged' from the -TMP- folder on close or restart.
@tig said:
BUT when you Save the EDIT_WIDOW version it should auto-close and the other original SKP window underneath should be still open and a dialog pop up asking you if you want to update the Component.
On OK it updates it and the temp SKP/SKB are removed from the temp folder...What's happening on your MAC ? No auto close, just saves. The original is underneath oblivious to changes. Not bought forward, no pop up.
@tig said:
If you just Close the EDIT_WINDOW version then you should just revert to the original SKP window underneath it, with not changes or prompts and the temp files removed.
What's happening on your MAC ? Same, but files remain.
@tig said:
What's happening on your MAC ?
Does the original window stay open ?
On a PC the second SKP opens an 'edit' window above the original...Yes, window stays open.
Yes, above original.
After reopening the original drawing, if you select the same group again, it opens the pre-existing drawing from -TMP-john
Part of it is possibly the bugged onQuit AppObserver on MAC
The onSave AppObserver should close the window too at that point - I didn't think that was buggy on the MAC ??
What are the EDIT_WINDOW and its backup file after a save [in the temp folder] called on a MAC - should be like "Compo#1-EDIT-WINDOW.skp" ?
The temp file for the original SKP is not involved...
I'm at a loss - works fine on PC... any MAC gurus want to chip in ?? -
@tig said:
What are the EDIT_WINDOW and its backup file after a save [in the temp folder] called on a MAC - should be like "Compo#1-EDIT-WINDOW.skp" ?
my #group[*]~.skp was me being lazy, sorry...
for both groups and components that are inside groups it creates files called Group#13-EDIT_WINDOW~.skp, the number being variable.
for a component in the wild I then get Component#1-EDIT_WINDOW.skp
and when I save that I get Component#1-EDIT_WINDOW~.skpall are in the -TMP- directory/folder as well as any AutoSave_Group#12-EDIT_WINDOW.skp
I think leaving off the numbering would be better as then it would overwrite existing, so the most you would have is 4 files.
otherwise this gets rid of them from terminal
UpStairs-2:-Tmp- johns_iMac$ rm *.skpjohn
All of these temp files are auto-erased in the PC version... something is adrift with the MAC though
they aren't erased until you reboot.
I never turn my computer unless SU hangs...
that's quite regular in fact...
I hardly ever turn mine off either.
you don't just force quit sketchup when it hangs? -
Usually, but I do have one or to openGL experiments that completely freeze the entire computer.
I use to use my 'killall SketchUp button' but it wipes out the license, and it's a pain to re-add, because it's actually still there... [ etc, ect... easier to turn it off.
doesn't work with SU 2013. does not ask for updating when you save the component. the SU podium plugin "edit in place" just crahses my SU when i save.
In 2013 the geometry will update if, after you edit component and save, you richtclick on the component and "reload" it on the original model window!
I usually work with components as Xrefs. I use save as and reload a lot and also use Xref tools.
Is there any possibility for this plugin to skip the temporary file and only edit the external file referenced by sketchup, (if it is referenced exists)? This way I wouldn't need to manually open a xrefed file to edit it and your plugin wouldn't change the association between the model component and it's file...
Another thing it should do before editing that file is that it should overwrite it first before opening it, so one wouldn't accidentaly be editing an older version than the one that exists on the drawing.
Tragically this tool's author died some time ago...
So none of his tools are going to get updated... unless someone else takes on the task... -
Hi TIG...
Thanks for the unfortunate news. One never really knows what's happening to other people's lives behind this forums. That is one hard to deal with.
In what concerns to the development of the plugin, I guess someone talented enough to do it isn't around often...
So if those talented people won't offer themselves I guess this could be something simple enough and worthy enough for me to start dabbling with ruby... Do you think it would be very difficult?
Try it and see - nothing to break except unsaved models... and your spirit
I'm sure the author is now uninterested, but a credit in the file's header wouldn't go amiss...
I have tweaked this script in the past, but I'm too busy to commit much time to it right now... -
Can we keep this alive? Our old friend would have loved having 64bit.
RIP @ whoever did the first releases and +1 for some compatibility with su 15...