3D Scanning on the cheap
I just close my eyes and repair that later with sculptris
This is fascinating. Thanks for putting me onto the 3D scanning technology. I have a vehicle modification project to do and I want a scan of the interior space to fit some specialized equipment into. And like the video you posted I have to go cheap the first time around so I can buy the high end equipment for future projects.
As to doing 3D heads, let me recommend the head tool in POSER. I have done one so far and was impressed with the possibilities. The results could have been better because the software wants a full frontal head shot and a profile headshot and I only had a frontal photo of the persons head. Fitst of all the software has a generalized reference of what a head looks like. Then you put markers on the photos showing certain key reference points like the center of the eyes, the end of the nose, corners of the mouth etc. The software then stretches the generalized model of the head to fit the reference you mark on the photographs. Then it maps the photo textures onto the generalized model. However this is only the starting point. The feature by feature you open a menu of sliders and check boxes for each feature (examples of features might be nose, mouth, cheek bones, ears, chin, brow ridge etc.)Then you select race, skin tone, and then use the sliders to widen, narrow, fatten, lengthen, twist, pitch, yaw each feature. It is a long process, but structured and logical. When done you have a fairly accurate 3D mesh with a photo texture draped over it.
Keep in mind this was a first try and done with half the photo reference missing.
Hope this can be of some use/interest to you.
very interessting! What fileformet is the output and how did you get the textured mesh into sketchup?
I exported a 3DS file to SU. There was no texturing exported although there is a jpeg file created in Poser that can be mapped to the sketchup model.
is the head tool only pro version or is it included at the version 8?
It is in Poser 7. I suspect it is in both pro and non pro versions.
You should speak with TIG as he has a scanner also. I hear he's getting great results.
Anyone tried 123 Catch yet?
http://www.123dapp.com/catch -
Is this The Same As photofly?
I think i'll give it a try -
I've tried 123catch but I have had some problems. I took pictures of a chair and uploaded it to the cloud to produce the mesh. Unfortunatly the programm wasn't able to build a 3D model. It only recognizes 4 of 14 pictures and wasn't able to stich something usefull.
so I gave up for the moment and I'll try it later. -
This mornings experiments with 123 catch:
I am starting to live in a more rural area requiring a greater degree of self sufficiency than I am used to. For instance the closest grocery store is about 30 miles away. Although, I am not planning to go off the grid, but do plan to loosen the grid's grip on my wallet. Do do this, I am taking advantage of what nature offers for free like this tree fork I cut from a fallen tree. It will soon become a lamp base and be merged with the upper section of an old IKEA lamp. I need to convert the mesh from OBJ to SKP to I can model the project. -
I recieved an email with some interessting news:
As far as I understand there is a new way to scan 3D objects with a projector:
In this case I used Trnio App to scan:
it is possible to get the scan to sketchfab and download the obj file.
I had to reduce the mesh via meshlab becaus of the huge filesize.
unfortunately it wasn't possible to load the the file textured to su, so I had to texture it manually.
the result wasn't as nice as the scan
maybe some of you are more sucessful then me.
OK, I've got it!
import to meshlab, reduce mesh, import to blender, save as obj, the import to sketchup, and texture is here!
Hi tfdesign,
I have visited your provided link but it is not working, so will you please provide another link related to it?
And please give some good suggestions on 3D Scanning on the cheap?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the post.