[Help] Need model converted to .step or .iges
The title says it all. I'm in need of rescue.
Tried it...non runner
The input must be...
to get...
I did find this...
But it's not playing nice
What file format are you actually trying to convert?
.skp, .obj, .stl, basically anything that I can currently convert a .skp to ATM.
I tried to convert in Rhino from .obj but it's not happening for me.
I have this converter: http://web.axelero.hu/karpo/, it supports .stl and a whole bunch of other formats, so...
According to Wikipedia iges was a DOD standard some time ago and thus many cad programs can out put it. Quick check of the Double CAD I have loaded will import and save that format so maybe you go direct form SU to iges?
I have used PolyTrans/NuGraf from Okino to convert iges and step etc files to Lightwave (or SketchUp), but I've never tried the other way around.
When importing those files I get a lot of options for details etc, so I thought they were not originally polygonal models. -
I saw that in my hunting.
My only option is to start again and model in NURBS.
I just had a look at my Okino setup.
I have the Granite pack, but apparently that is only for importing, which is what I've used it for.
Sorry, but then I can't help you..