Raised Shapes mapped onto a Cylinder
We have a need to raise shapes on a cylinder, like a rolling cookie cutter. I have played with a few ideas, but I am running out of them. Any suggestions?
If the raised areas are simple 'extrusions' outwards why not try positioning the grouped cylinder on its side and the shapes to use grouped above it. Color those faces distinctively
Then use SuperDrape to drape the faces and color onto cylinder.
Now edit the cylinder and select one colored face and right-click > Select > All with same material...
Then use JointPushPull on the faces to give thickness...
OR try ShapeBender... -
My first thought woud be Tools on Surface to actually draw the shapes on the cylinder...followed by Joint Push/Pull to extrude them.
EDIT: ...or SuperDrape, as TIG suggests. It depends on the shapes that you want.