V5 Beta MOI 3D on MAC / PC April 2022 !
No way! Brilliant news! Thanks for sharing that Pilou!
@unknownuser said:
There's a new OSX version of the v3 beta
incredible news! i exchanged emails with michael a few years ago which left me fairly convinced Moi would never find it's way to osx.. and it seems so mac like when compared to other 3D apps out there.. i'm glad they're going for it.
@unknownuser said:
(sorry only for owners of the v2 !
hmm.. this doesn't make much sense to me.. i'd love to beta test but why would i be a v2 owner?
No Alternate trial version for mac , would buy a PC version just to test the Beta??
Yes if you want test the "Mac version" that is now the only thing that you can make
Of course you can yet try the trial PC Version (or infinite PC demo without save) on a Mac with some MAC emulators !
@unknownuser said:
Of course you can yet try the trial PC Version (or infinite PC demo without save) on a Mac with some MAC emulators !
might as well drink some poison while you're at it
Oh dear. Not a proper 'port' just an X11 nightmare
Oh well- can't complain too much?
@tfdesign said:
Oh dear. Not a proper 'port' just an X11 nightmare
Oh well- can't complain too much?
wait, what? X11 as in the same way kerkythea requires X11?
i couldn't even use kerky because of that.. maybe things have changed with snow leopard or lion in how all that madness works..it'd definitely be nice to get it osx native but there would have to be a whole heck of a lot of interest being shown by mac users because as far as i know, moi3d is a one man operation.
Oh don't listen to me! I'm just an Apple fanboi purist!!!
X11 is good. It's just a bit ugly. But if you strip away all of the nice bits of OSX, the gui looks like X11 anyway.
UGS NX7 for Mac runs in X11.
Autocad at least is native.
For Moi It's not really native Mac code but result is the same!A same licence will permit to use PC + MAC if you want!
this is a bit of a catch-22 situation: you cannot try the V3 mac version unless you own a V2 license but there is no V2 for mac...
M Gibson has said there will be a trial version once it's out of beta. (8 months_ish from now?)
I think the MAYOR should go talk to them about a special offer for Sketchucation so they'd get some valuable feedback and a targeted audience.
(Nevertheless the hassle with X11 I've experienced using Gimp and an KT is almost a non-starter. I've been cringing lately when I do delve into it. So NON-Mac I feel all thumbs, and the crashes and save routines....)
@pbacot said:
I think the MAYOR should go talk to them about a special offer for Sketchucation so they'd get some valuable feedback and a targeted audience.
ha.. yeah. let's see what kind of pull mike has
(but i can understand gibson's stance.. the time/work spent making a trial version of the beta would be better spent on actually improving the beta.. etc.. his licensing policy is going to be generous as well as you only need one license to run on either platform so i imagine he doesn't want to be loose with the mac keys right now as they'll work on windows as well..
also, if you're a windows user, you can't use V3 beta either unless you have a V2 key so it's the same thing for us mac users.. he's also stated that he feels there are enough licensed V2 users which also have macs in order to get the proper amount of feedback for the beta..
i know there are loops in my logic up there.. just saying that if i were him (michael), i'd probably do the same thing simply to avoid unnecessary headaches/work.. it's not like none of us won't try out the app when it's ready because of him not releasing the beta to everyone..@unknownuser said:
(Nevertheless the hassle with X11 I've experienced using Gimp and an KT is almost a non-starter. I've been cringing lately when I do delve into it. So NON-Mac I feel all thumbs, and the crashes and save routines....)
yeah, see, i don't think it's the same thing as with those apps.. i'm pretty sure it's just moi.app(?) and you launch/use it just like a normal osx app.
@unknownuser said:
(8 months_ish from now?)
Surelly something like that! Due the number of things that he wants to put inside!
(and don't forget that the more time consuming at the end is to write the manual -
Perhaps a normal version 2.5 OSX in a month to wait for a V3 beta OSX more complete for those who do not want to buy a license eyes closed!