Big problem to build my Hull !
I am trying to buidl a hull.
I trie many solutions ans many plugins.
Curviloft help me a lot, but I need a scond hull in the first..
Then I used the plugin Jointpushpull 1.5 for sketchup 8 (Mac)
But, It's not really perfect ! On Youtube, we can see it in action and it was great, but for me, it's not great. (see the picture).Then, Do you know another solution to extrude a complex shape ?
I am looking also for another tool, something like the push and follow tools but with 3 ways differents ..
Thank you for your help.
I would only do half the hull to start with since most hulls are symmetrical. You might also find it useful to divide the half at the chine and work on the bottom and the side separately with JPP. You might also try Jim's Simple Shell. See the Plugins list for the link.
Having drawn a few boat hulls, I'd bet the first suggestions would work though.
From the PIC it looks like you have a number of model problems . Is is possible to post you model to 3 d warehouse so we can take a look at in detail and maybe help?
Here is a link to one of the supposedly best free hull modelers. There site has a number of free models also you can import in 3d dxf. Can do that in 7 but not 8. The PDF they have gives you a good idea about the process.
My guess you need beter splines on the surface generation and is reason for the wrinkles you see. Need to see the model at least the first inside shape. -
Mac1's suggestion of Delftship is an excellent one. It is much better suited to what you want to draw.
Without seeing you SKP file, it is difficult to give really solid advice. That said, in your second image it looks like you have an issue with internal faces. In the last one with the brown hull, it looks like the edges between triangles have been hidden instead of smoothed or softened.
wonder if this will help:
Thank you everybody,
You help me really, and, Megapod, your link is fantastic !
I think, I can do what I hope !
Come back later, after work on the possibilities of this script. -
TIG'S tools are great but they will not create the correct surface until you give them good information. Form your PICS that does not look like the case. The reason I gave you the Delft link was to show you what a good model is not that you should use it to make your model. The Bow wrinkle IMHO is caused by inadequate surface definition.
Hope I'm wrong
Still waiting for you to post yor model => that is always the best -
I found a good solution her, very easy in my case !
and this post :Re: Ship Hull by Curviloft
by Fredo6 on Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:32 pm -
@mac1 said:
TIG'S tools are great but they will not create the correct surface until you give them good information. Form your PICS that does not look like the case. The reason I gave you the Delft link was to show you what a good model is not that you should use it to make your model. The Bow wrinkle IMHO is caused by inadequate surface definition.
I look this website. Prfect works .. Oups for my personal hull.
I don't want use, becaus my hull is special. I can't use another one !
But, I have a question because I don't know how it is possible to open .fbm with sketchup from this website ?Thank you
What makes your hull so special? If you still want help with it, please upload the SKP file.
As to the FBM files, they are opened in Delftship, not in SketchUp.
I can't Dave !
This is a commercial boat and I can't give the structure, it's not my property ! -
@dave r said:
As to the FBM files, they are opened in Delftship, not in SketchUp.
I know, but no possibility to import in something for Mac ?
Well then, I think we've given as much help as we can. The tools that have been offered will create a skin for the hull and can do it smoothly given the right lines but you'll have to draw them. If this is a boat intended for construction, you should really be using a program that will do the hydrodynamic calculations for the waterlines, CG and so on. Delftship can do those things.
Delftship can export DXF files as Mac1 indicated. Those can be imported into SketchUp 8 pro. Or you could get a copy of 7.1 and install a plugin to allow importing DXF files.
There may be a program for boat design for Mac but I haven't looked for one.
Another consideration
Strip your present model of the propriety items and post. Looking for just the bulk heads at some selected stations. I think one can smooth out the hull where you are having the problem and probably does not need defltship. I looked a little for a b spline program but did not find one , but think Fredo's BZ spline programs may get you there. It is not most desirable but maybe good enough.
I don't want to spend time without any idea of the profile you want thought.
The idea would be to show you the work flow and let you do the actual design.
Just some thoughts -
Have a concept approach for you but power failed Wed AM. Hope back NLT Frir PM.
You can use the approach of a plane thru the keel, a deck plane and the planes thru each station ( prependicular to keel plane)and used Freeod's Bezier tool to draw the profiles and then his curviloft for the skin. If you read the PDF manual Defltship has publsed this is some what along that approach except they connect points on bulkheads ( think they call them chines?) longitudinally. This is where your personilaization comes in. -
That's pretty good Mac1.
Typically the corresponding points on the stations (waterlines) would be connected with a batten sprung around them, so straight lines from station to station won't yield a very good hull shape. One of the BZ Spline tools would work for that, though and as in real life, some points may need to be moved slightly to allow the curves of the waterlines to be fair.
Dang! Now I want to build another boat.