The Sketchup work used by Trimble in its publicity for the release of Sketchup 2014 has captured my attention since I first saw it (see attachment). Anyone know who the artist is? For being completely monochrome, there is so much richness and life in the visualization.
Mostly, I want to know where all those people came from. Those in the fore- and mid-ground look like 3D people. I'm guessing that's the case because of the way they catch/cast shadows. However, maybe they're 2D with line work and shadows added in post-processing. I've searched high and low through the 3D warehouse for such people to populate my Sketchup screen shot visualizations. I've all looked through Form Font too. No luck.
In a pinch, when there is no time to render, such entourage would bring a straight from Sketchup screen shot (with minor post-processing) to life.