Steve Jobs Dies
iPhone 4S(teve)
RIP - Steve Jobs - we have lots to thank you for!
As a designer, a photographer and a musician, I will miss you. But let's not all get all sad now. Let's remember you for the inspiration that you were. This is a great video I just found on YouTube that for me sums up what a visionary you were.
R.I.P. Steve.
Sad news indeed. We won't see the likes of Steve Jobs again. He was a true 'one off'. His legacy will live on however and he will not be forgotten.
Apple have made this email address available for anyone that would like to send a message,
Whether you use Apple products or not, like them or not, like him or not, this man's impact on the world was good for all.
very sad day... the end of the era
No wonder my Mac Pro acted up this morning. 56 is way too young.
very sad day indeed. what a guy! may I suggest you read david pogue's column in the NYT. and, if you will, watch again his address to stanford students.
He certainly had a big impact in my life, though I didn't know who he was earlier on. Now I don't think anyone can imagine what the culture of the last 30 years would have been like without the ideas & enterprises he moved forward. Peace on him and condolences to those who felt close to him.
I wasn't that big into Apple. I do have an ITouch, my iPod and and an IPad, so I guess that means I am big into it. There is no denying what a great entrepreneur and inventor Steve Jobs was. The Edison of our Age. God Rest his soul.
My little tribute image.
This Steve Jobs talk is very apposite:
especially the last half about 'death and dying'...
I'm older than him and share much of his 'experience' -
luckily 'I also enjoy what I do'...
@tig said:
I'm older than him and share much of his 'experience' -
luckily 'I also enjoy what I do'...
Wow, TIG !! I would never guess... based on your enthusiasm, dedication, and fresh ideas, I would guess that you are somewhere on 30-35, but you are almost double !!!
If only would be more people like you in the world (i'm not talking about age)...
(sorry for off-topic, this thread is about Steve Jobs, not TIG)
Life wisdom that can be learned from this man: Connect the dots, love what you do and remember you are going to die.
How do you embed youtube videos?
@unknownuser said:
@tig said:
I'm older than him and share much of his 'experience' -
luckily 'I also enjoy what I do'...
Wow, TIG !! I would never guess... based on your enthusiasm, dedication, and fresh ideas, I would guess that you are somewhere on 30-35, but you are almost double !!!
If only would be more people like you in the world (i'm not talking about age)...
(sorry for off-topic, this thread is about Steve Jobs, not TIG)
Still feel good, TIG?
@nomeradona said:
Life wisdom that can be learned from this man: Connect the dots, love what you do and remember you are going to die.
How do you embed youtube videos?
I've added for you - it's actually the same talk as I linked via TED [which is a fine repository of ideas and wisdom by the way].[flash=800,600:28yeqe0r][/flash:28yeqe0r]
- note how you recast the html/embed links...
That speech is probably the most defining moment of Steve's entire career. It even transcends what he did for Apple.
Because the message is that we are all potential Steve Jobs, all waiting to happen. Apple haven't really lost their leader,
they've simply gained and spawned a whole load of further Steves! It will be really exciting to watch all their products develop over the next few decades, as it will the offshoots of all those who have been touched by Steve Jobs' wonderful charisma.This speech is for the entire of humanity, and it's wonderful, as there are far too many in the world who think
humanity is overrated, that there are far too many humans on the planet. I don't think there are enough! And if we
all stare death in the face (which we all will have to sooner or later), we too, all of us, could change and improve humanity
for the better. -
I'm not an Apple fan and must say I am very anti-Apple in many ways. Their tight-fisted control of hardware, software, OS and digital rights for things like what you can or can't do with your own music just completely grated me the wrong way (though some of these issues have relaxed a little in more recent years). But I simply cannot deny the impact that Jobs & co. have had on the consumer electronics, entertainment industries and our lives. The quality of the design and product created by Apple is undeniable; and in an era of cheap, plastic throw-away everything my family is still using an "old" 3GS iPhone, an original 3rd gen iPod and the same cords and charging stations these devices came with. I use my iPhone 4 every single day. Well done. Welcome, collector's items of the future.
So, RIP Mr. Jobs. Thanks for creating this handy iPhone that I'm pecking this eulogy out on, it's great.