Help Identifying Plugins (images)
Toolbar Image 1
Mirror Selection Tool [maybe?]
FredoScale ToolsToolbar Image 2
FredoScale Tools again
-unknownsToolbar Image 3
Pro's Dynamic Components Tools
Soapskin Bubble Tools -
The first set looks like one of the SCF powerbars.
The two on the far right of the second set are Component Spray and Fur.
May a cool idea will the same than the Plugin Index, A Toolbar index ?
Thomhom's UV Toolkit is before FredoScale.
@didier bur said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but just undock the toolbar and drop it on the screen to give it a title bar with it's name ?
But, he don't have them himself.. he just saw them in screenshots and videos...
Correct me if I'm wrong but just undock the toolbar and drop it on the screen to give it a title bar with it's name ?
Then google is your friend... -
Didier - nil desperandum - I typed the very same text... BUT luckily I reread the post before I replied, so I deleted it
Thank you to all for your helpful responses!